Scheduling Issues – Week 4

It’s been a little over a month since I’ve worked for Disney as a CP and Disney is definitely one of the most organized company I’ve worked for so far. Our schedule for a week prior to the current week is always completed and posted online every Sunday. Any request you may have regarding to giving a shift away, asking for more hours or even requesting for a day off has a proper procedure. Even when we are working, Disney tries to keep our shift going by rotating us through different positions. I’ve never once disagreed with the way Disney does anything because I’ve always felt that they truly take their cast members and guests into consideration and tries to make everyone happy by working with our needs. With this being said, I was very disappointed when the manager said even though I had a valid reason, they won’t be able to give me a specific day off due to the fact that they are short on staff. According to Disney, my scheduling manager should know what days I will have classes but since the first week of work they been making me work on class days. I had addressed this issue with countless managers to see what could be done. I understand that they need us for certain days and If needed I don’t mind working on one of the class days but two is just to much. They began to give me one of my class days off and I was happy but after a week I was back to working on both of my class days. The worst of it all is that Friday is extra magic hours which means we don’t close until midnight. Since class is at 8:30 in the morning, I am forced to be up for 18 hours every Friday. The lack of energy became problematic. I had addressed a manager about this and they told me that they can’t guarantee that day off. I thought it was unreasonable to have a cast member up for 18 hours even if you are short on staff. As a Manager, that is a problem that you need to take care of and look into. You can’t require someone to work if they have a valid reason so I took this matter to the actual manager that does the schedule instead of my department managers and if that does not work I am prepare to take it to the Disney educational office. Although, while I am reflecting on this matter, I question myself, am I the one that’s wrong for wanting the day off because I have school or that 18 hours is a normal thing to ask for?

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3 Responses to Scheduling Issues – Week 4

  1. The hospitality industry is a 24 hour business and as an industry professional you will be expected to work all shifts. The agreement that your workplace has with the education office is that they will not schedule you during your classes and they will give you time to travel to and from work. They are allowed to schedule you at any other time. It may also be that you are scheduled for a late shift the night before a class. I would avoid going to the education office because your workplace is not in violation of your contract. You should just continue to establish yourself as a valuable cast member so that they know you are serious and will then be more willing to work with you. Remember that you are a new and temporary employee, you need to prove yourself.

  2. Suzanne says:

    I have actually been having scheduling issues of my own though of a different sort. My work location keeps giving me shifts that conflict with classes, which I have had to give up to go on Mondays. It can be frustrating because I lose out on a shift, and have to search for extras, which isn’t guranteed (last week, I ended up with a $25 check after rent and taxes!). I would suggest speaking with the Service center–they’re located in building 21 to see what, if any, options you may have. They are really wonderful, and can direct you.

    I agree with you, Professor Goodlad, that the industry runs 24 hours, and working long days as well as holidays and weekends is something that comes with the territory–I hope this aspect gets easier. Sometimes days blur together…

  3. hsrtyuksel says:

    I had a scheduling issue myself. However, mine was regarding to get shifts during my class days. I work five days and both of my days off is when I have class. However, I wanted to volunteer for community service and make the day A Magical Day for someone. Unfortunately, where I am employed I do not have the chance to take PM shifts and AM only. Therefore, I kind of lose the opportunity to be part of someone’s world or for any cause in general. My leader, although, indicated that the establishment does not work as a whole regarding AM and PM shifts. But I guess that is fine because I will definitely find a way.

    Housekeeper, Port Orleans Riverside

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