Scavenger Hunt

Today was a fun day. I attended a mandatory scavenger hunt that was organized to Port Orleans College Program students. This event was for us to get to know the area we are working at and have a knowledge of it. It was a really fun activity I met new people including cp’s and leaders. I learned alot about the property. Including both Riverside and French Quarter.

What I found really interesting was that there were twin sisters named Celia and Delia Jackson that opened up a dress shop in Port Orleans. Why was this intersting? Because I did not even know anything about this dress shop yet alone the importance of these twin sisters. I learned many things about Port Orleans speacial and only service that belonged to them, which is framing. Many recreations, which benefits me because if a guest asks me what it is they can do or where are the things I now can provide them with an answer and make sure they definietly have a magical day.

Lastly, we were suppose to be back by 3:30pm at Boatwright. Well as our answers were being checked I wasa getting to know my team members even more. I made them run a lot today, but made us come in second place. Lost by a point I was devastated but happy. It felt good. It did not just stop it, the culinary team expecially the interns had prepared us some dishes and desserts and had us sample the food that is served to the guest. It sure was delicious. Especially the dessert.


Port Orleans Riverside

About hsrtyuksel

I always knew I was a people's person. Always enjoyed spending time, talking to people and learn many new and interesting things from them. Basically, learning and providing them what I know.
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One Response to Scavenger Hunt

  1. Scavenger Hunts are a fantastic way to help new employees get to know their enviornment and at the same time develop a greater sence of team. Both are very valuable. Your leaders are setting you up for success.

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