My own section

Today felt different then any other day. I officially started in my own section at work. Before I was constantly floating around and working for other housekeepers section. Which I was not a fan of because I was not able to connect with the guests. Although I don’t see them, we communicate with notes. Now that I have my own section I will now know and have a better idea as to what to expect the next day. I will be able to predict and come up with a plan as to what possibly I can do to service my guests better. MAking sure they have a wonderful and a magical stay.

Although it was just any ordinary day but knowing that I have my own section made it feel like it was my first day. What I loved the most was writing my name on the greeting card. That was my favorite part. Being a very difficult job. Completing 17 rooms in eight hours, not being able to take break is ridiculous but now that I can forecast, I believe I can set a better strategy for myself and start taking my break. I hope this can motivate me tad bit more and do a real good job at it. So far my leaders has been telling me I am doing a wonderful job. Wishing to get better and faster.

About hsrtyuksel

I always knew I was a people's person. Always enjoyed spending time, talking to people and learn many new and interesting things from them. Basically, learning and providing them what I know.
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2 Responses to My own section

  1. You are taking a great approach to your work. Ownership of your responsibilities is important. Have you made connections with your fellow housekeepers? Does your work enviornment seem supportive to housekeepers helping eachother when needed?

  2. hsrtyuksel says:

    I sometimes do have trouble with few of the housekeepers. Few of them does not really wantto help. And they talk in Creole all the time regarding who ever is around them. I actually had an incident where they were talking about me and felt very uncomfortable and disrespected. Other then many are helpful. My leaders are extremely helpful and they sure do demonstrate strong leadership skills. They are approachable, helpful and disciplined which I believe is excellent.

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