Week 2

I’m a little back tracked with the photo journals, but this goes to show me how busy Disney has kept me! When i received my Schedule last week i saw 46 hours and was shocked, but then thought of the over time and felt relieved.  My second week went by slow due to all my last minute training and then finally earning my ears!  My first day on my own i was very nervous to mess up thankfully my role always has me along with another employee who can clear my doubts! I like my job just have to get used to these 10,11,12,13 & even 14 hour shifts!

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One Response to Week 2

  1. Great photo, it shows smart techniques on acquainting new cast members into the workplace. Showing the photos of new members and highlighting special interests will allow the long term employees to know who you are.

    What did you learn from you first week of work? Why do you think you are scheduled for 14 hour shifts? Is this typical or was there a special event?

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