Weekly reflective journal 4

I am so grateful to be a part of such a supportive housekeeping team at the Art of Animation Resort. On sunday I wasnt feeling well, and one of my managers noticed, she asked me if I wanted to go home and I told her that I’ll probably feel better later on during the day. That day I had a total of 8 suites; 4 check outs and 4 occupied dirty. When I got to the check out rooms I noticed that none of the beds had the linens on them, I was confused but then Nilma one of my managers told me that she went and stripped the beds so I wont have to do so much work. I was so grateful and shocked at her kind gesture. I also found out that one of the other housekeeping managers Daisy and I went to the same elementary school in New York. Even though This week started out tough it definitely got better day by day.


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2 Responses to Weekly reflective journal 4

  1. Making connects, so cool.

    Why do you think your supervisor stripped your beads? Yes, you did not feel well but was there a big picture objective she was focused on? What would you do if you were the supervisor?

  2. Ninoska Then says:

    If I was the manager I would have done the same thing, not only did it made my day go smoother but hers also because as a manager she wants everything to be done in a timely manner.

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