Journal # 14

I can not believed how the time is flying by in a few weeks my time here will be over for now. This week was very hectic with juggling studying for finals, working on group presentations and work. I have to say that i have become more comfortable  with time management its been hard but its part of the learning process. This week I started in my cross training around the hotel. It so much information to get in one week but i am grateful for the knowledge. I started in lost and found and throughout the week will move to different administrative areas of the hotel until the final day when I shadow my manager. Lost and found is big part of my hotel. There are many functions , everything that is left behind in the hotel and is found by a cast member  goes there. Than is all process and catalog with the date found and place and or room. One thing I did learn that the All Star resort does that no other hotel here does is that if in 90 days the item is not claimed by the owner the housekeeper gets a ticket and can come back for the item and keep it. There are so many things that guest forget and lose. If no one claims it and the item is in good condition and can be re sold they send it to cast connection. This department than reprice the items up to a 70% off to cast members. If its closing or can not be sold they are given to local charities. its all about having a good operation system to keep it all in order. Im exited for this week I still have alot of areas to cover and cant wait to learn from them since hotels   management is one of my main interest in hospitality.

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One Response to Journal # 14

  1. Make sure to keep detailed notes of your training. This information will be valuable as you relate your experience to future employment opportunities. What you learn will help you be a more well rounded castmember.

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