This week has been one of the best weeks I had, had being here. I tried a new shift for two days, which I will not be having a trainer for. School was actually exciting since I was actually not fighting to stay up. I have actually been having time to go out and enjoy myself.
At work, I learned about the other they have besides night, and overnight. This week they are putting me a morning schedule that I am nervous about which they tell me is untrainable. I did not understand why the shift would be untrainable; all I knew is that a coworker who has been doing the schedule for two years says there a lot that has to be done. Instead of waiting out for the day to come I decided to ask another one of my coworkers who I had worked with during the week it was only me and one other worker. She actually gave me the steps and a guide for me to follow so I would be okay during the two days. She told me I would be set on ingredients and recipes, so my only job would be to just get the day’s work down. Simple enough on those two days everything went smoothly and I also had another point of view of the shift. I thought that shift was untrainable, considering that it occurs during lunch and the area that the area you are in is usually crowded with people. However that is not the case, it reality, it is one of the easiest shifts you can get, considering that the beginning is the only time where you need to work to get done on time, other than that you are free to do everything in whatever order and however much time you want to take as long as you are down by the end of your shift.
At school we learned the different type of creativity that we can solve our problems with different methods. In our group we used consolidation to figure out how we can focus on the issue. We also used similes and metaphors to see how we can compare the problem to how we are feeling about the situation, which helps to see how the person is feeling toward the problem.
Things are getting better I hope they continue. Let’s see what happens next.