My name is Kiara Rodriguez and I will be attending in August for the role of Housekeeping. I would like to know what to expect or any tips I need to know to help me with this amazing experience and wonderful opportunity.
My name is Kiara Rodriguez and I will be attending in August for the role of Housekeeping. I would like to know what to expect or any tips I need to know to help me with this amazing experience and wonderful opportunity.
Our goal is to make the OpenLab accessible for all users.
Our goal is to make the OpenLab accessible for all users.
Hello Kiara and congratulations on taking on the role of Housekeeping! Some advice I would recommend is to definitely take advantage of the CP housing events and the free admission into the parks. In the beginning, you may feel shy about asking your roommates, coworkers, or classmates to go to the parks but almost everyone is new to the program. Everyone’s a little nervous meeting others but you don’t want to miss out on new, possible lifelong, friendships. Also, work hard but make it fun! Some of my best friends from the program are friends I’ve made at work. I’m sure you’ll have an amazing time at Disney. Feel free to message me or reply to this comment if you have any questions about the program!
Housekeeping is definitely one of the harder roles at Disney. Some days you will come home wanting to give up but stick in there. The best advice I can give you is to make friends at your job location. I did housekeeping for the first portion of my program and if it were not for my CP friends at Coronado Springs I would not have been able to do it. They truly made this experience a great one.