Journal Post #11

Since I decided to extend my program my dad offered to pay for a ticket for me to visit home for a weekend. Visiting home was very weird to me because I became accustomed to my routine and apartment in Orlando. Being in my home in New York took some getting used to but by the second day I felt right at home again. It was great visiting my parents and friends.

Coming back to Orlando and trying to get back into the groove of things at work was difficult. Housekeeping is such a physically demanding role that having too much time off throws your body off the routine it gets familiar with. The first day back I did not have a full board of 17 rooms so that helped me. I was also able to work in the Cabanas section of Coronado Springs for the first time. The building that I worked in had views from every room. There were no parking lot views at all and mainly families roomed in this building or guests celebrating a birthday, engagement, anniversary and even honeymoons.

11146523_914963648542715_3651713046138352597_nI also visited Magic Kingdom and got on Splash Mountain for the first time. I was not expecting the drop to be as steep as it was or to get as wet as I did. The park was surprisingly slow on the day I visited so there was not long wait times. I was able to get on a few other rides that normally have long wait times.11140059_914963698542710_6882571436033023773_n  11217962_914963665209380_6408946286852067674_n

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