Weekly reflective journal 10

So this week has not been so good. In September I spoke to the scheduling manager at my job to request the day my sister arrives in orlando off and a week off in November to go home. He wrote in the book and told me that I got it, so I bought my flight ticket to go to New York. Well this week I checked the schedule and I see that im schedule to work on the day I spoke to him that I wanted off. So after  finished work that day I went to speak to him but to my surprise there was a new scheduling manager. I explained to him what had happened and he said that he would put it in the hub and see if I get approve for the week off. I really hope I  get it approve since I already bought the flight ticket, I would have never bought it if the other manager would have told me that it wasnt for sure that I would get it off. Lets see what happens!


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One Response to Weekly reflective journal 10

  1. What was the result? How do you think this situation could be avoided? What role does the scheduler play in the management of the work force?

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