Summer time in at the All-Star Resort was pretty busy especially the month of July.
July was the month where we got the most groups mostly from South America. These groups was a young crowd which was good because they didn’t ask for much amenities to deliver to their rooms but they did do lots of shopping. Due to their amounts of shopping, a lot of garbage was to be collected. Our trainers and leaders reminded us that we needed to be very attentive to our buildings that we were assigned and be prepared. The reason for us to pay close attention to detail at our buildings is because we want to be making sure our buildings have a great appearance to other guests and cleanliness. As well another great help we do is while we walk around we run into a few guests who have questions or sometimes lost. This gives us a great opportunity to interactive with guests and as well my favorite part is to create magic with guests and young children who they themselves have questions to and I try my best to come up with the most magical answer they are looking forward to. My favorite part of being part of the night housekeeping is we have a great opportunity to interact with the guests and have a great guest service experience.
We have something in common. My favorite is to interact with the guest and hear their stories, it is interesting to hear what they have to say. I do merchandise and I try to do as many magical moments and have fun while working. It makes people smile and I love to see that expression in their face. Its just a beautiful warmth feeling inside that keeps you going everyday! I totally agree with you.
The key to interact with the guest I feel is to welcome them to Disney as their home expect with lots of magic.