Weekly Reflective Journal #6

Time is flying by so fast and its already the beginning of October! On Tuesday, I attended one of the College Program events called Grocery Bingo. You have no idea how fun it was! I came close to 8PM, when the line was so long that it went pass the commons building and close to the bus stop.

When I saw the line, I couldn’t help but open my mouth in awe thinking that I would have no chance of entering inside the building. I was right. However, the event collaborators were smart enough to let all of us get inside. When the room had reached its max capacity, the event workers told us that we would have a chance to get inside right away once people start winning groceries. However, we wouldn’t be able to sit next to our friends.

As more and more people start winning groceries, the time came when I entered inside the room on my own without Patty and Laura. It was definitely odd sitting by yourself with other bingo players. But it was rather interesting as I have started talking to people and making new connections instantly.

Grocery bingo was not your average type of classic bingo. They also had the stink-o bingo in which the winner who has no numbers called gets groceries. You also have to make certain shapes like a square, layers or Y shape (just to name a few) to win the game. Of course, there is the classic game as well.

I came close several time winning but ended up having some other random players win the bingo round. Eventually, the time came to end when the event people told us all to exit and let the other people waiting on line to come and play. If we wanted to play again, we would have to go back to the end of the line.

Feeling distraught and agitated that I haven’t won any groceries, I decided to come home. It took maybe 10 minutes since I have waited for the bus stop. However, when I look back at the line this time, there was barely anyone standing. Half of the people were gone and I eagerly made my way back inside this time actually winning groceries that would last me for 2 weeks!

Learning from this experience, I love it how this program gives everyone a fair chance to participate in a game even when the room reaches at max capacity. They are smart and quick enough to solve problems. I really hope to become someone who is capable of quickly resolving situations!

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One Response to Weekly Reflective Journal #6

  1. WOW, two weeks, AWESOME. Persistence paid off for you.

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