Weekly Reflective Journal #4

Housekeeping gets worst!  I got into a big serious trouble that I wasn’t aware of. The manager came up to me and said I left a pink chemical inside a hotel room. I actually got my first reprimand. Also a housekeeper complained how I didn’t properly restock her cart that I used yesterday. I thought it was restocked well and neatly done myself, however she just didn’t like it. When I was done, she stalked me down with anger and told me to do a better job restocking.I actually cried briefly that day because I didn’t know about the chemical problem that can actually lead into a reprimand. However, I strongly try to tell myself to not give up and that I can do this.

I learned that even though Disney can be the most magical place to most people, working in the back of the house can take some of the magic away. However, while enduring this hardship and receiving my first reprimand really did put me into shock. I was speechless and didn’t know what to say. In my guts, I wanted to talk back to the manager. But I knew if I did this, I would end up into a bigger and more serious trouble. I learned to ignore and move on.

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3 Responses to Weekly Reflective Journal #4

  1. Carol.Pelaez says:

    Hello Kaity,
    I’m sorry this happen to you but don’t worry at times it does happen where we forget things in the rooms and sometimes its the small things. I understand that we as housekeeper have a a number of rooms to clean for a limit amount of time, but the best advice I can give you from what my trainers and leaders tell me everyday is always take your time while you get to the final touch of your room. I always take a quick run through the room to make sure I don’t forget anything or missing anything. Mistakes happens and its ok because we learn from them.

  2. Yes, learn from the mistakes that are made. During training and shortly there after there is a lot to learn and remember so it is best to recover from this problem and think about it from a managerial point of view.

    Hopefully your leader was professional about the situation and helped guide you to ensure it does not happen again. As for your co-worker. They have seen many CPs come and go. Make sure that she know you are not to be spoken to in a rude manner and if there is a problem you would be happy to rectify what needs to be done to standard.

  3. Hi Kaity, sorry this happened to you. I myself have encounter some terrible attitudes from leaders and other co-workers. I do agree with you though its better to just learn from it and not take personal. I might get my first reprimand also for being short on my drawer. I just feel that instead just going directly to a reprimand for a mistake they should give you coaching and try to understand why it happened.

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