Weekly reflective journal 1

The first week here wasn’t so hard because I had my two older sisters here with me, they helped me settle in, we even explored some things near by so I would be familiar with things around me. When I first arrived to my apartment my roomate was sleeping so I just left my luggages in the room and left to the hotel with my sisters. The next day I returned and all 3 of my roomates were in the living room, I was surprised in how friendly and welcoming they were. Two of them were here since Januray and the other one arrived the same day as I did, all of them have done the DCP before. So I asked them questions that were lingering in the back of my head. When my sisters left I broke down and started to cry in my room, But thats when my roomate said that it’ll be alright and gave me a hug. I cant lie and say I wasnt scared or nervous to be away from home and my family, but just talking for a couple of hours with my roomates I knew that they will become my family away from home. I am very pleased with my roomates and I am excited to see what Disney has in store for me.Opening new doors.



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One Response to Weekly reflective journal 1

  1. The first steps of this internship are often heartfelt. As you progress in the program you will notice that you are working on your goals and career ambitions and the decisions you make will enhance both your career and persona l goals. I hope that since this post was written about three weeks ago that you are finding what it is you need to focus on to balance your personal feelings with your desire to learn and grow with the Walt Disney Company.

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