Weekly reflective journal 2

My experience with the college program continues to grow and I am loving it so far. Though orientations seems to be very repetitive, I understand why the instructors had to keep repeating the information because it was to allow us to constantly remember what was being taught. Also Disney place safety as the number one priority and it is the first of the four keys. I am constantly meeting new people everywhere I go and I am definitely enjoying it because that was one of my goals when coming down to Florida.

I also even got to go to Hollywood Studios with some of my roommates. I was definitely scared to go on the Rockin Roller coaster and Tower of Terror but I knew I just had to go on them even if it was only once. I use to dislike going to amusement parks because I was afraid of heights, but now I am loving it so much. Hollywood Studios was the first Disney park I have ever been to and it was definitely one of the best experiences I had in my life and it was even better that I got to share it with some amazing roommates.

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One Response to Weekly reflective journal 2

  1. Can you explain how you have used The Four Keys in your service? I have heard before that Traditions seems to be repetitive but looking back now do you feel the same way?

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