Read and React 1

I agree with the article that it is important to not only explain to a new employee but also demonstrate to them how the operations works. A new employee might feel overwhelmed when joining a new work family or just in a new property and  by showing a new employee around, it might instantly make them more comfortable. Though this might not be with every new hire but I believe this process is a great process because the employer is giving attention to the new employee and spending some time with them. Since the article is talking about hotels, I think it is even better that they have the employee stay one night to have a guest experience. I think that is a great way to get new employees to experience the hotel from both operation side and from the guest’s perspective. This allows the employee to understand what they are doing during operations that make the guest feel comfortable and also allows them to notice what might not be so great for their guest’s experience. I also believe that in any hospitality operations, it is better to demonstrate and experience everything hands on instead of only being taught by words.

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One Response to Read and React 1

  1. I like your suggestion about staying at the hotel for one night but I fear that this has not become a common practice due to the expense that would be associated with it. During an orientation process other ways of making sure the guest experiences the service might be to sit in a common area and make observations. I believe that as part of your Traditions you have walked some of the parks.

    Another way for employees to learn about the “product” may it be a hotel or other hospitality related operation is to provide discounts to employees. Think about your gate pass, it allows you access to so much.

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