Journal #1

Arriving here at Orlando, Florida, I must say was one of the most terrifying things I have ever done in my life. Being away from home for the first time, with no friends or family to aid me in this foreign land. The reality of this, had not sunken in the past few months that I had spent preparing. Instead the reality of this trip was clouded by the overall excitment of working for Disney. I can still hear my event manager at my previous position saying, “Guys, if you get a chance to work for Disney, TAKE IT! They are an amazing company.” I knew she was right, because althrough I had never experienced Disney’s hospitality for myself, I had heard of it. Guest visiting Disney and not just having a fun family vacation, but creating life long memories. It was the thought of being able to provide this service that pushed me to applying for the program.

Then, here I was finally in Orlando, Flordia eager to begin changing lives, one family at a time. But I found in my first few days that the only family I wanted be around was my own. I would see my room mates with their parents bonding through Disney, and at night leaving me alone in our apartment to spend time with them. It was this experience that forced me to branch out and think, why else do I want to work for Disney? I thought about my career goals as a possible manager or event planner one day. How am I gonna get there?

It was this thought that made me realize, what Disney truly is. They have passion for the experiences they are giving their guest, but they can not be this with just passion alone. They had to have talent, standards, strength, in all a strong structure to build on. This is why I am here, to build on the foundation that my passion and learning at citytech has given me. As said in my Traditions class, “Your journey begins here,” It’s not gonna be easy, but success isnt the easiest road. For with rocks (obstacles), comes strength and then appreciation. I think of this journey as I hear from my cast members at Saratoga “welcome Home!”

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