It seems like only yesterday was january 22 and I was pulling up to vista way for orientation. Last week I was given the opportunity to work on the rehab team Again and i loved it. As hard as the all stars resort is to work at I have to give credit where credit is do. My executive housekeeper John did a great job listening to what we wanted to get out of our program . Even though it was only at the end of our I did get a greater view of the industry and an idea of what I want to get from my career. John ask me to apply for the professional internship in management once I graduate and contact him if I need any help. Hard work pays off and big time and i feel great to know that we have some support And that they do want us to succeed.
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Hey Victoria
I am sorry to hear that you are leaving. I hope that you had the best experience ever. I am Jonathan i will be arriving on June 17 for the culinary program I am a little frightened to leaving my comfort zone and starting something new. I hope you will come back sharing to everyone your experience here at city tech
Dear Victoria
I am glad to see the support of your manager at All Stars Resort. Try to keep all that networking connection now that you are going back to New York. I hope that you have had the most amazing experience of your life at Disney. I never get to meet you in person, but throughout your journal reflections I get to meet you and learn from your experiences as well. Hard work as you said definitely pays off, and now that you are going back to the city I wish you the best of the best.
Thank you Karina, I understand what you mean by not getting to know each other but i did get to know you by your journals and they helped alot with my program. I want to wish you the best of luck in the rest of your program, your going to have a blast. Hi Jonathan, don’t be scared its a great opportunity for your personal and career development. I advice you to before anything make your priorities and goals straight. put them first, It can be very easy to get distracted by other things. Have fun enjoy the parks, meet alot of people and take advantage of all the program has to offer and your going to do great create memories. It going to be tough and there will be moments where you are going to want to leave. if this happens remember we have been there and we made it you can to.