Read and React#2

My workplace is a resort, every cast member here is trying to their best to make comfort for our guests. Our lobby is spacious bright, we have sofa, TV, games, and there is a cafe on the right side of lobby, “welcome home”, we apply ourselves to make guests feel free in resort. In the front desk, if we have any problems for guests to check in, such as the computer is not working for a while, we don’t say no to our guests, we will take guests’ credit card number, take care of their luggage and give them the free permission of a park. We always remember that we create magic and happiness every moment in Disney. I am a housekeeper, in back of house, when we try to offer a service for guests, if we see there is a private sign on the door, we can’t knock the door to disturb our guests. We have a guest menu in each room, it is not only our 24-hour dinning option, it also includes every detail in our resort, such as each department numbers, the fun place location, the laundry and ice machine location, and so on. Furthermore, there are bible and Disney yellow book in all the rooms to reach easily based on guests’ need.

For our emergency situation, we have an instruction posts on every guest’s elevator and cast member elevator. It reminds everybody of using stairs for emergency instead of the elevator. And in each floor, we also have some instructions to point out how to get to the emergency exits. There are smoke detectors and fire extinguishers for reachable in every floor. When we are on the training, we are told that if we know how use the fire extinguisher, go ahead to use it, if we are not sure how to use it, don’t use it followed by the instruction or we may hurt ourselves.

In the article, author mentions how Disney did to deal with the hurricane. Safety is the key, keep safe for every cast member and guest, that’s why we have four keys class all the time. What I learn for the future, the crisis management is very important, such as communicate with media, provide “resort experience” for guests, etc. However, the prediction and preparation should be strengthened. Today our technology is advanced, once the disaster is predicted, the preparation system starts. The perfect preparation will decrease the damage and provide a safety environment and best service for everyone.

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