Journal #3

I have gain great respect and appreciation for all housekeepers worldwide. This week started my individual training and work load as a housekeeper at the all stars resort sports section. Ā I canā€™t begin to explain how hard it has been. Ā There have been days when I have felt like it was impossible to reach my goal and finish all my rooms. Itā€™s not a role to take lightly because it is hard. I would have never imaging the physical pain and mental frustration that it brings.Ā  Every day I think of my ultimate goal and why Iā€™m in this program and try my best to do my best. Many of the cp here are just looking to have a good time but for me is so much more. I started the week doing nine rooms now in up to fifth teen and it do not get easier. The more rooms the more mental, physical and emotional preparation it takes. Ā At the end of the day I feel proud that Iā€™m still here and trying to push forward. I did have a magical moment when I was finishing a guest room and they came in. They had left a tip for me the day before Ā but since it was not by the blue card Ā for guest to leave a tip I did not touch it and they came in a gave it in my hand and said thank you for respecting our space. Later my manager came and said the guest told him I had a beautiful smile and made them feel welcome. It made my day and made me feel with purpose.

I also started my Disney classes and love them. Ā My first course is Experimental learning and deals with the process of how we learn. We are to read the book ā€œA funny thing happened on the way to the futureā€ by Michael J fox and I recommend everyone to read it if you havenā€™t already. I will bring some perspective to life. The second class is Human resource management and its all about what happens behind the scene in the company to keep the workers happy. If you keep your worker happy your guest will be happy.

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One Response to Journal #3

  1. Being frustrated as a starting housekeeper is easily understood. I like that you are focused on your ultimate goals and it is these goals that will help you find success this semester and in you career. If you find that the job gets too tough speak to a long term housekeeper so that you have a better understanding of what the role of a housekeeper is like year after year. Then speak with a supervisor or the manager to get their perspective on their careers. Next place an inspirational quote where you can see it often.

    I look forward to reading your posts.

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