I am going to Disney in Spring, 2013, it is excited journey that I am looking forward to. I wish this amazing program will bring me the different experience in my study and life. Even though I know there are a lot of things waiting for me, I hope I am ready for every moment I am going to have.
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Hi Zhe!!!!! Congrats. You will have fun. I will say this program is a life changing experience. I have been told from my managers and family that they do see a change in me. I cannot wait to read your journal entries while you are here.
I am going to the Disney college program for spring 2013 as we in a few weeks. I am very excited scared at the same time. especially with the first days of the program. It’s different from anything I have ever done before but welcome the experiences to come. Is there anything i should be prepared for, what do you recommend i should bring with me?
On the day of your arrival make sure you wear comfortable shoes. Just bring what is on the list. There is a bus there to take you to Walmart if you need to go. If you are food and beverage they will provide the black sneakers for you.
Thanks ill keep it in mind.