Read and React #5

My read and react is going to go reflective on the second week of my Disney Classes, because that week inĀ classĀ we mainly focus on the different learning styles in class. That week my classmates and I were able to learn more aboutĀ ourselvesĀ  I was able to learn why as a student that when I have classes that deal with hands onĀ activitiesĀ  that I am able to pass them with an high grade. And the regular learn straight from a textbook, I have a hard time understanding things. I also learned why it was hard for me to choose a major over the past seven to eight years and finish through it. I found that when it comes to makingĀ decisionsĀ that I have a hard time doing so. Which is true, I am more to go to someone and have them make one for me. And why I have a hard time getting along with certain personalities. I also learned why when it comes to working it groups I look for someone who is moreĀ strictĀ  because I am the type of person that would come up with 27 different ideas and it takes a longer time for me to get my work done.


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3 Responses to Read and React #5

  1. This is valuable information. Have you approached your work or school differently due to this understanding of your learning style? What impact could this lesson have on your ability train others in the workplace?

  2. This is valuable information. Have you approached your work or school differently due to this understanding of your learning style? What impact could this lesson have on your ability train others in the workplace?

    • nschloss says:

      Yes, I have approached my school work differently. The exam to me that when it came to making decisions and having ideas, that it is hard for me. Which made me choose to have a group member in my group that is willing to direct me into what I have to do. As of work, I was able to understand why I could not see eye to eye with some of my co-workers. After learning some techniques my co-workers and I were not bumping heads as much as we were before. I was able to have more patient, which caused my coordinators and managers to have me train some of the new CP’s. I am saving all my school work so I can use them as references to help me in the near future.

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