Reflective Journals #11

This week was the holiday decorations week in Disney resorts.  All the Disney resorts were dressed up for the holidays.  In Yacht & Beach Club resorts, we had the life-size gingerbread house and a magnificent gingerbread carousel completed with chocolate and soft-candy ponies and oversized candy cane poles took center stage in the lobby of Beach Club.  This was my first time to see the holiday decoration.  I never knew that they had this kind of decoration before.  It was really beautiful and smelled very good.  I hope I can have a chance to see the decorations from other resorts because I heard they had different decorations from different resorts.  Because of the holiday decoration, the occupancy of our resorts was full every day.  Therefore, it was really busy this week.  Everyday had a lot of checkout and check-in.

Since Thanksgiving is coming next week, I am sure the resorts is going to be busier than this week.  Even though I don’t have classes next week, but I have to work 6 days, which is 48 hours next week.  It’s really tired once work 6 days per week, and I have to work until 2:30 AM.  However, on the positive side which I can make more money since I have one day for overtime.  Even though I don’t like the working hours, but I know I have no choice since I am “new”.



Huihong He

Disney’s Yacht & Beach Club Resort


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2 Responses to Reflective Journals #11

  1. Walt Disney World during the holiday season is a special place to be. I remember bing there myself and doing my best to see all the special touches made magic by Disney. Please do your best to see as much as you can, you will never have this chance again in your life. Enjoy.

  2. nschloss says:

    I have heard about these life size gingerbread houses, I would like to see them before I leave. Everyone I know worked closed to 60 hours during thanksgiving week, but they said it was will worth it because they are able to do some Christmas shopping. Did your job take part in a potluck?

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