Reflective Journal #10

This week at Hollywood studios we celebrate the employees whom worked for Disney for 5, 10,15 and up with a private dinner and closed the entire park for them. Seeing the elections while down here was a bit nerve racking but also fun, because I was having dinner in Applebees with my friends and see my age couple into politics was interesting.

I also celebrated my 27th birthday on Saturday, it made me a bit homesick because I am so used to celebrating it with my family and friends. I feel a little bit old ,  all I want to do is sleep when I get home from  work. I am happy that it is the end of the program, I miss new york badly

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One Response to Reflective Journal #10

  1. Remember this time at Disney is for a short time only. Missing NY is expected at this point in your program, especially on such a special day. The work you are doing in Florida is an important step in your personal and professional life. Enjoy the time you have left by looking at your expectations from before you left NY and making sure you accomplish everything you want to.

    Happy birthday.

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