Reflective Journals #4

This week I had the full board which has 16 rooms.  It was exhausted.  I had 16 occupied at the first day, and I finished them all by 3PM.  After finished 16 rooms, I felt extremely tired, and my homesick was more severely.  However, this 4-month internship will worth more because of the unique valuable experience.  Unfortunately, I got at least 4 checkouts plus general cleanup rest of the week.  The latest time that I finished was at 4PM.  It was lucky that one of the full time cast member helped me to finish up; otherwise, I might not finish it on time.   On my first day, my trainer told the team work in housekeeping department.  However, I didn’t see that much about team work so far.  After a week of full board working, I learned that I had to be strong because in here no matter how people were nice to you, they won’t help you in a pinch.  It’s true that someone might help you, but not most of the people.

I started my classes on Thursday also.  The instructors were so nice, and both of them were housekeeping managers.  This made me more familiar because they knew housekeeping was not an easy job.  And the important thing was they knew how to make the animals by using towels, so I’m going to learn from them.  Once the school started, I felt there’s no time to do other stuff in my day off, but I still need to go to work, classes, and homework.  What an enriched life!


Huihong He

Disney’s Yacht & Beach Club Resort


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3 Responses to Reflective Journals #4

  1. nschloss says:

    I need the feeling about classes. I feel like there is not enough time in the day and the week do the assignments. I keep trying to remember how I was able to make it possible last semester with work, classes, and that amount of papers to be done.

  2. Having checkouts is tough and your success will only be accomplished through team work. You must have earned the respect of your peers because full time housekeepers donot always help CPs. Congrats on earning your ears and gaining the respect of those around you.

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