kids are our world journal #13

I have been hearing about the Give Kids the World Organization for years.  When I got the opportunity to finally take part in this special gift of giving back to the kids I was grateful.   There were two days you can pick from Wednesday or Sunday. I signed up Wednesday May 2 2012. When I made the appointment they put me on the stand by list and they said to come a little early so I could be the first standby to go if someone didn’t show up.  I showed up an half an hour early that day .  An hour later my wish was answered I was handed my shirt and we where on our way.  There were about 12 to 15 people in a big van and out of all of us only one had been before. When we got there we made name tags and were showed around.  Then they took us to an auditorium to give us the rules and regulation, when it comes to the kids. We then got the chance to meet them.   We stand as group and the kids as they arrive get to pick who they want as a buddy for the day. Once you’re picked you and your child can play games, watch movies or talk and get to know one another.   We then had lunch.  After lunch there was a talent  idol show that the kids put on with singing and dancing. It was  so special.  While the show is going on they handed out slurpies and popcorn.  It was such a great time.  The joy on the kids faces where indescribable.  It was a wonderful experience that I will never forget. I’m going to make sure I do it again and maybe next time take a friend with me.

Monique Soden

Animal Kingdom

Stroller Rental


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