Reflective Journal #14

I had a VIP guest about two months ago, who was allergic to dust and chemicals. Whenever I had to clean their room, I would try to clean it as clean as possible because of their special condition and also if they were in the room, I would definitely make a conversation with them because I really love talking with guests; something housekeepers definitely  lack!

Well, to my surprise, they are staying in my section again! While I was working, my houseperson came up to me and told me room 2523 wants service right now. I thanked her and then she asked if I was Fiona. I smiled and said yeah and then she explained how she knocked on the guests’ room and they opened it and screamed out, “FIONA! Wait… You’re not Fiona!” It made me laugh but I was shocked because I was off Tuesday to Thursday, and they arrived Tuesday, so how would they know my name? When I went into the room, I saw familiar faces and the guest immediately hugged me really tightly and told me how much she missed me. Then we started having a casual conversation as if we were best friends who haven’t seen each other for a long time. It was really great. They told me they specifically requested for me to be their housekeeper, and how they would always ask for me every day. It was so sweet of them. They also told me how they complained to two of my managers that I had a lot of potential and that they are wasting a very talented individual on housekeeping and how they should just put me in front desk.

I feel like I’ve accomplished something very special and memorable. I definitely wont forget them even after I complete this program.

Caribbean Beach Resort

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One Response to Reflective Journal #14

  1. Mei Lin says:

    Aww, that is indeed very sweet of those guests. Nothing feels better then hearing a guest compliment on a job well done. I hope you got a guest fanatic card for that! Keep up the magical moments!

    Mei Lin
    Epcot – Future World East Attractions
    Spaceship Earth

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