A week with my sister

It was real nice to see an old face back from home it is even better when it is family. May 4th my sister came to visit. It felt like I have not seen her for a long time. To begin my story, I booked a room in All Stars Sports Resort. Not to mention, when I walked into the room the first thing I did was inspect the room. Made sure it was clean and there was not any hair anywhere. However, coming to my disapointment I found hair in and on the toilet, tub, and on a pillow case. I noticed I never really checked the rooms before until I started working as a housekeeper. Now it was just an automatic reaction towards it. As I was talking to her I mentioned should I call the manager and complain about the situation. And at that time she was on the phone and her friend her me and said “yea, you should your in Disney.” I use to wonder why behaviors changed when people are on a vacation or in Disney to be exact. Now  I know why, because it is Disney. Not to care or worry about anything. Not only did I enter a room that had hair everywhere, the next day I went to the housekeeper asking her for towels. She was cleaning a room right when I was about to knock on the door she opened the door. She looked at me and when I was asking her a question she just shut the door on my face. Reopened, finally. I asked her if I can get towels tells me, okay, get it. As a Disney cast member this was not how I was told to treat guests. Not only a Disney cast member but at all times. I found it to be real disrespectful.

This was a great expereince for me because I now had a guest point of view. I had expectations and so does everyone else. Overall, my time with my sister was spectacular.

Hasret Yuksel


Port Orleans Riverside

About hsrtyuksel

I always knew I was a people's person. Always enjoyed spending time, talking to people and learn many new and interesting things from them. Basically, learning and providing them what I know.
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2 Responses to A week with my sister

  1. I have found that being a guest is the the single most powerful way to connect what you learn in theory to what you do in practice. Focusing in on cleanliness is EXACTLY what you should do when entering a room in a hotel. In addition, you have, rightly so, come to expect a certain level of service from Disney employees. What happened when you called about the hair in the room?

  2. hsrtyuksel says:

    I was disappointed with the housekeeper. She was very rude and disrespectful. And the managers really just apologized, there was not anything special about it. So I just let it go. Did not make a big deal about it. I only focused on spending and having a good time with my sister.

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