Volunteering at the Boys and Girls Club

Yesterday I went to the boys and girls club to volunteer.  I was surprised at how many people actually take the time out of their days to come down there and help build playgrounds and gyms for kids.  I was also surprised at how much we all accomplished in the little time that we were there.  In six hours we were able to build a whole playground from scratch.  We were all organized in separate groups, from hauling mulch, and mixing cement, to building the playground and building benches, picnic tables and stages.  I must honestly say that it was a great experience for me because giving back to a community that you don’t even live in and have all the people in the neighborhood thank you is the reward itself.  My assignment was to build the sliding pole and and attach most of the safety handles on my part of the playground.  It is very surprising how much you could do with just an instruction manual and some tools.  After the exhausting six hours our playground was finally complete.  Everybody looked filthy and exhausted but we all felt accomplished.  This is something that I will never forget, because its something that i have never done before, and could honestly say that I would do it again     

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2 Responses to Volunteering at the Boys and Girls Club

  1. hsrtyuksel says:

    Not only is it a great feeling to have as to sparing your time to the community but as you said it is a great experience. Not to mention it sure seems fun. May you please provide me with some details as to how I can volunteer to this organization. Thanks.

    Hasret Yuksel
    Port Orleans Riverside

  2. The greatest thing I have read all day is that you enjoyed your first volunteer experience and that you will do it again. BRAVO!!!

    PLEASE remember to always sign your work location and casting position. Thank you.

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