Read And React #4 … keeping the magic alive..

I am a seater at the Captain’s Grille. We usually get the same questions all the time such as where is the bathroom, where is the yacht’smen steakhouse, where is beaches and cream, etc. I got really use to it that I could tell what they are about to ask even before they ask the question. It hasn’t got boring to me because every guest is different and some are really cool once you start talking to them. Sometimes when it gets slow and there isnt any guest it does get a bit boring but I make sure to have a bit of fun with the people I am working with. So at the Captain’s Grille we keep the magic alive all the time no matter how rountine it is starting to feel. There is some full time employee’s that aren’t as excited about working there as I am but they do like bringing smiles to everyone faces when they interacting with a guest. They actually taught me a few tricks when dealing with guest and our everyday task.

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