The meaning of “family”

I did not realize how much I missed my mom and siblings until I saw a family in Epcot. I am used to being away from my family so I do not hardly get home sick that easily. Of course I miss everyone and my home but I was always fine and enjoyed my time away.

It was my day off and I was in Epcot exploring World Showcase. I was in line in Morrocco to get some food. There was a brother and a sister around the age of 7 and 9. They were playing, hugging each other and telling each other that they loved one another. Right at that moment I noticed how much I missed my sister and brothers. Because that is what I do with them. I missed spending time with them, talking to them and many more.

Perhaps, now that my departure date is getting closer the longing I have for them is increasing. I know I am going home soon and I guess my concious is just releasing everything out to the surface.

Hasret Yuksel

Port Orleans Riverside



About hsrtyuksel

I always knew I was a people's person. Always enjoyed spending time, talking to people and learn many new and interesting things from them. Basically, learning and providing them what I know.
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2 Responses to The meaning of “family”

  1. Suzanne says:

    I know what you mean about not always being homesick, but every now and then, it coming up. I’m heading back to NY next week for a few days, and it’s bitter sweet because it’s not the best of circumstances, but am glad to be home for even a short period.

  2. hsrtyuksel says:

    I must say I love technology because Skype helps out a lot. Video calls are amazing and the longing if not all goes away. However, my sister is coming down on May 4th to the 13th, very happy and excited. Then once you know it I am home.

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