Week #7 Cup Cake Sticker

Ice Cream Cart week!
Week seven I was in ice cream carts all week! Working in a ice cream cart could be good but then yet bad. Good in the aspect in which you don’t have to deal with other co-workers and you get one to one interaction with guests . On the other hand it could be bad because of the bad weather that might occur or you can run out of all our ice cream and then you get angry guests because you do not have the ice cream that they want. But at the same time its not your fault because your stock-er has not been able to get to your cart to refill it. Well a protocol that we have when we are selling ice cream in a ice cream cart is that we have to stand in front of our cart when we have to guests buying stuff from us . As I was selling ice cream in the Ice cream cart in camp Minnie mickey tends to get very slow when everyone is inside the theather watching the Festival of the Lion King. I stand infront of my Ice Cream cart and start greeting people that are coming in and out of Camp Minnie-Mickey and I give high fives to the little kids and so on. I did not notice that one of my coordinators was wathcing me from a distance and he comes in from behind me and says! Nice job jennifer ! I like the fact that you are standing infront of your ice cream cart and interacting with the guests . He takes out his note pad from his pocket and jots down some notes and then he takes out a bunch of stickers out of his pocket and I start cracking up . I look at him and tell him ” are you really going to give me a sticker robert? ” He looks at me and says  ” Yes of course! ” I keep on laughing and he puts the sticker underneath the collar of my shirt and says ” I put it there for you becuase you cannot have it visible.” I said thank you to him and he walked off. Once I was done with my shift I took the sticker off my collar and I put it on my Disney ID , so every time I swipe my id at work it reminds me of how I got the sticker. 🙂

Jennifer Medina

ODF ( Out Door Food & Beverage ) DAK ( Disney’s Animal Kingdom )

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2 Responses to Week #7 Cup Cake Sticker

  1. hsrtyuksel says:

    I am glad that the coordinator saw what you were doing and rewarded you for it. Occasions such as this makes you feel better and will actually make you want to go to work. Not only that but you are being recognized and noticed which is a plus for your future. This will lead to great referalls and recommendations. Keep up the good work.

    Hasret Yuksel
    Port Orleans Riverside

  2. Two recognitions two weeks in a row. Congratulation. Does you location use Guest Fanatic Cards. What do you think about how you can use the recognition in your future career? What actions will you model as you develop in your career and why?

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