Week #6

Oh boy! Week # 6! was such a great and memorable week for me down here at the Disney College Program  Now let me tell you why :
As week six just gets busier in the park because of the weather rising and spring break just getting closer and closer ! just makes the food industry more crazy than what it is. I worked at funnel that whole week! FUN FUN FUNNEL! . For the people who loves eating funnel cakes , let me tell you … FUNNEL IS NOT FUN TO MAKE OR TO CLEAN UP! haha . As I worked more in the Funnel Cake shop the more experience I was getting in 1) handling with cash 2) making funnel cakes and trying to create hidden mickeys with the whip cream for the strawberries and whip cream funnel cake orders.  For the beginning of the week I was usually the opener of Funnel not the closer . But one day during the week they extended me to be the final closer! uh-oh! I was not sure how I was suppose to close down funnel and what were the procedures of cleaning the fryer! . Well my only option was to ask 46 yr old Stella which as been working for Disney for a while and she knew what I had to do . She explained to me step by step on what I had to do , the only thing going through my mind was that I was never going to be able to close down funnel in a matter of 1 hour! .
Closing time came , the windows at the counter were closed . I was all alone. I followed every step that Stella had told me . I found my self not being so tense anymore and a little bit more relaxed. The removal of the oil and cleaning the fryer is the worst part. We use degreaser which is very strong and can burn your skin. SAFETY comes FIRST in my list . I put on the goggles  put on protective sleeves on , my apron and orange gloves on. Then I finally started spraying degreaser everywhere and had a green sponge in my hand which helped me take off the grease stains and all the other nasty stuff on it .

After cleaning the fryer we have to call for a pre-walk I picked up the phone dialed 5551 and told them I was ready for inspection. As I waited for my walker to come I started cleaning the floors and doing the finishing touches before they came.  As I was putting away some utensils , I hear the door slam open and I hear two women cracking up. They were laughing so hard that I was confused why? I turned around and I see that it was my manager Beth and one of the Coordinators Meagan . My manager was red as a tomato from laughing , I  started laughing because it was just funny seeing her laugh. My coordinator Meagan screams at me and says “PUT ON YOUR GOGGLES!” I look at her scared and I started to put them on . I thought I had done something bad. As I am pulling my goggles over my eyes ( they were laying on top of my head)  My manager finally gets air and says ” Jennifer , we have never seen any of our employees with arm sleeves on , an apron and with the goggles on cleaning up the fryer! ” . Meagan  jumps in and says ” you are the only one that has done this and we are so proud of you!” . I was in shock , I did not know how to react or what to do . My manager asked me to put on the goggles and I put them on , she takes out her Black Berry and tells me , Smile! . She snapped a picture of me and then said to me , Jennifer you are the employee of the week, Safety always comes first and I wished mostly everyone thought about it like you do . My inspection of the fryer was approved and they also approved my final walk. I made sure everything was good before I locked the door to the kiosk , I walked to the bus stop with a good feeling in my gut ! I felt good! I slept in peace that night.

Jennifer Medina


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One Response to Week #6

  1. Congratulations on receiving employee of the week. Make sure to include this information in your portfolio and on your resume. Your detailed description was valuable to all of us.

    Safety is vital in any work place and I am happy that you were recognized for your conscientious approach to your work. Though I think they should not have laughed you were at least recognized for your safe work practices.

    Send us the photo!!!!

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