magical moment

Creating a magical moment in Disney feels very rewarding, not only to the customers but also to yourself.  But when you create a magical moment and you’re not even on the clock is even more rewarding.  This past week I stopped by Wal-Mart at around 2am after my shift, and halfway through my shopping, a family came up to me all happy and jittery talking about Disney.  I guess since I had my Disney outfit they figured I worked there.  Even though I was exhausted with my shift and didn’t really want to talk to them, I was still in costume at the moment and had to stay in character, so I had a conversation with them.  The little girl that was there was all upset that she didn’t get to see Mickey because of the rain, so I made up a story for her that Mickey and his helpers didn’t have time to water all the plants and trees because it was so busy so he asked the sky for a little rain.  The little girl lit up in happiness at 2am, and didn’t feel so down anymore.  Even though none of my managers were there and I really didn’t have to stay and talk to them, I felt happy that I created a magical moment for this little girl and her family.      

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