As spring break is hitting us right now , everything goes insane in the parks. Well I do have this one moment that I believe will always be in my heart from now on . I was working at Rafiki’s Planet Watch in Animal Kingdom . In Rafiki’s Planet Watch there is only one Ice Cream Cart located there , so that means you are forgotten from your manager’s , stockers and anyone else . The only time you do get to see someone is whenever your breaker comes through.
I have heard terrible stories about working at Rafiki’s , how lonely and boring it is ti work there , but I didn’t see that I actually was enjoying it. It was about to be noon , I was busy all morning selling ice creams and soft serve drinks , I see a mother , a father and a little girl heading towards my ice cream cart . I look down and I see the little girl crying her eyes out. I look at the mom and ask ” What happened? why is she crying?” The father looks at me and says “She had her face painted earlier today and she just went to the bathroom and forgot that her face was painted and splashed water all over her face” , the mother was wiping her face and says ” now she is crying because her face paint washed all off ” . My heart sunk when I heard what the parents had just told me , and I felt terrible that the little girl was crying. I go on my knees and I look at the little girl and tell her ” Hey, would you like a ice cream? ” she looks at me and her eyes went from watery to glossy ” YES! ” she shouted … I Disney pointed to my ice cream board and told her to pick any of the 6 options that I had there . The little girl picked the Cookies & Cream Mickey’s ice cream sandwich . I got up and took out the ice cream sandwich and handed it to her . Her parents were so surprised that I did that and they were so thankful. All three went towards a bench to eat the Ice cream sandwich , before I would take more orders from my other guests in line I took a quick glance at the little girl and saw her enjoying her ice cream sandwich.
Right after creating the magical moment for the little girl , I had atleast 20 guests in line waiting for a icecream or a drink , maybe both . As I was knocking out the huge line I had all of a sudden I feel someone hugging my leg , I look down and it was the little girl and she looks at me and says ” Thank you so much! ” I went down and hugged her and said ” you’re welcome! I am happy you enjoyed it ! ” . Her parents thanked me once agian and then they wandered away.
I have felt really good ever since that day . I have came to the conclusion that eventhough I can have rough days with guests , manager’s , or co-workers at the end of the day I am here for the little kids , for the families not for no one else.
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Jennifer that was a wonderful thing you have done for that little girl. And yes the last line is completely true. At the end you are there for the little kids and families and creating them a magical day. This also makes your day better and you get happy as well. All those rough long days you have been working just washes off and you are left with a smile on your face.
Port Orleans Riverside
Hi, my name is Erika. I was assigned this week to explore another course that was interesting to me on the OpenLab. This is my second year at city tech and ever since I first started here I’ve heard a lot about the Disney program. Now, I don’t know how the program works or any other details about it but it has always been in the back of my mind whether I should join or not. It seems really fun and looks like such a cool experience. I absolutely love children and love helping people so reading your post about your experience working at Disney and how you made that little girl’s day magical was so nice and very inspiring. I was just wondering what advice you would give to someone (like myself) who wants to join the program and start interning over there. What have been your hardest moments there? How do you deal with juggling school and work in a different state? Thanks so much!!
I am thrilled that you came to visit our course site. The students are working hard to better develop their understanding of how the Walt Disney Company works and how they can use the techniques they learn as they progress through their careers. Disney will be on campus to recruit new student interns on Thursday, March 29th at 12:45 and 4:45 in the Atrium Amphitheatre.
Prof. Goodlad
It is great that you have the authority to make these Magical Moments, Disney is known for empowering their employees. You made a smart decision in making this little girl’s day better. I do have to ask though, do your managers provide you with a certain budget that you are allowed to use for making Magical Moments or is this up to you. As a front line employee are you more concerned with profit/budget or pleasing the guest? There is always a fine line between profit margins and pleasing a guest.
CPs, Let me know your thoughts on this subject.
Good Morning to you all! ,
Sorry for the late response , Spring break is hitting hard over here at Disney.
Erika the Disney College Program is a great experience . It changes you all types of ways . You fall , you get up and learn from everything that occurs to you around here . The Disney College Program is not something easy , its alot of hard work and dedication not only to your job but also to your school work. You will learn how to manange your time , if its not the easy way it’ll be the hard way. Regarding to adjusting to the Florida life is not hard at all! That was my number one concern when I came down here. I am a NYC girl and nothing will ever take the city out of me , right now I love Florifa and its weather! its jsut amazing. If you know how to drive and have a car in NYC , its a MUST BRING IT. But if not , well! we have the bus system over here that offers your transportation to alot of stuff! there are plenty of opportunites over here! networking is amazing! It is just something breathe taking.
Now responding to Professor’s Goodlad’s comment about how to manage Magical Moments , being part of the ODF ( Outdoor Food and Beverage) Team we are allowed to give out magical moments only on certain occassion’s and must be for a good deed. There is not limit for us , when we do give out a Magical Moment Icecream bar what we do is that we mark it down as a spoil in our inventory sheet at the end of the day.
Our manager’s always encourages us to make magical moments and to make the time of our guests memorable for the rest of their life’s. I know the little girl will always remember what I did for her , its something unforgetable. You feel amazing after doing it!
Thanks for your responce to both me and our City Tech visitor!