Read and React 3

When it comes to my location of work, which is the Yacht and Beach Club, the opportunity to trail a manager or even complete managerial tasks do not present itself quite often because it is such a vast operation. Throw in the fact that we are CP’s and our senority level is at the bottom. I did however recieve a guided tour by two of the highest leveled managers on day 2 which gave me the sense that I will be relied upon and counted on.

It wasn’t an official trail but a situation transpired in which a guest was unsatisfied with her view in her room which was facing some construction that the yacht and beach are currently working on. I followed my manager behind the front desk and he checked into lilo to locate any other open rooms. The guest was irate at first but it was handled professionally and in a courteous manner so that the guest had no option but to calm down. A new room was available and the situation was put to bed. It was quite interesting to see the daily tasks that arise in a managers busy schedule.

In relation to the article, I can safely make a connection from a new employee standpoint with my first five days of training. On day 1, their wasn’t much I can do but start off as an observer. It’s always important to not come on too strong as to not alienate the existing cast members who might have high senority within Disney. In my case, there is some tension between the bellman and the dispatchers so I tried my hardest to understand what bellman have to go through on a daily basis.  Another way of rising to the challenge is expanding your network. Networks are crucial, whether your a CP or a manager in training. One’s open doors depends on the expansion of those networks and opportunities can then become limitless. I have around 20 leaders between the yacht and beach club so I have no shortages of managers that I can connect with.

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2 Responses to Read and React 3

  1. szambrano says:

    I believe seeing how your manager handled the situation will help you in the long run because now you know how you can handle that situation, and any type of conflict that arises. I too has seen my manager handle an irratated guest which i watch her every move, taking small notes in my head.

  2. How does the article relate to your expereince? Make sure to inquire again about shadowing. We have had a number of CPs at the YNB Club in recent semesters and they all had a chance to shadow a manager. Shadowing should be on a day off and not during your scheduled work time. Keep me posted on your progress.

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