Week 5 safe and secure

My work place becoming more and more familiar. I can tell guest how to get some where with there eyes covered. I love he area, and even though downtown Disney is open to anyone because of the no admission ticket, it feels safe a secure. I have some really early shift where I walk from the bus stop all he way to my job, but with all the security and workers around I feel secure. I feel the same about our housing. I know it like the back of my hand and I find myself taking these new found short cuts. I also feel safe because the security aspect  is always on point. It’s annoying to rustle around for your ID  but knowing you need that to do anything here makes me really safe. Being safe in a place you are going to call home for the next couple of months is the type of security I need and my mom needs. I love that feeling !

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One Response to Week 5 safe and secure

  1. Disney has always had strict security standards and after September 11th they became more rigid. Take notice to what you see and seek out the security efforts that are not so obvious. What weaknesses do you see in their security standards?

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