Reflective Journal #6

A lot has happened since my 11 check-outs last week. I’m still kind of sick even though a week has passed. I’ve tried medicine from the pharmacy but it doesn’t work as good. I have a strep throat and it’s terrible! I can’t eat much and every time I lay down on bed, I start coughing like crazy. So eventually I had to call out sick on one of the days, but I’m glad I did. I realized it’s better to take care of my health instead of forcing myself to go to work when I’m sick. Responsibility is one thing, but taking care of my own health is another. I’m finally understanding what should be my priorities.

I don’t think the new female manager likes me very much because of me finishing 11 check outs by 6 PM, but I guess what’s done is already done. I’m learning what a good manager should be and not be. In my opinion, she’s far from being a good manager. Since I’m a hospitality management major, from my past knowledge from classes back in City Tech, I feel she still has a lot to learn, but of course, I do too. I learned how a manager should not be like, from her. I feel like since before becoming a manager, they are acknowledging their pay would be salaried, meaning it doesn’t matter how long they work, they are still being paid the same so I noticed a lot of managers tried to leave early; like her. It’s such a big problem because her employees WANT TO leave also. We don’t want the overtime pay because housekeeping is such hard work, and we all have families back at home waiting for us. She should’ve been more understanding and help her employees if they need help. I also noticed (she never did this to me but) she threatens everyone that she would give a reprimand very easily. A houseperson ran out of batteries for her radio so she wasn’t able to pick up calls. The manager angrily went to look for her and threatened to give a reprimand if she doesn’t pick up her calls again but it wasn’t her fault!

I attended a housekeeping & custodial townhall meeting yesterday. I loved it. At my work location, I felt like nobody really supported CPs, but when I went to the meeting, I had hope again. Executive managers, and similar roles, all shared their experience when they were CPs, and showed us full support. They gave us advice, in addition with their cards in case we have anymore problems, they will help us. We basically went around sharing our CP experience among other housekeepers.

I’ll be attending Bowl-a-thon tomorrow, a volunteer event tomorrow. We get half a board of rooms to do in the morning, and then we get to be driven to play bowling and still be paid 8 hours! Along with free pizza! So I’m very excited about tomorrow. But on Sunday, I will have at most 12 check outs… I’ll be sure to eat lots of breakfast that morning!!!

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One Response to Reflective Journal #6

  1. Without our health we have nothing. So yes, take care of yourselves. Keep this in mind always especially when things a work get tough.

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