Safety begins with me

 Here in Disney world every one takes safety very seriously, its even part of there four keys.  “Safety begins with me”, is what we talk about at almost every pre-shift meeting.  From the first day of traditions our leaders have been telling us all how to be safe.  They provide us all with non slip shoes, so we could walk through the kitchen, and they never advise us to pick up anything heavy.  In every food station they have carts for us to carry boxes, and other heavy packages to transport from one part of the food court to another.  In traditions they even showed us the proper way to carry, reach, and pick up a box that’s heavy. 

We are even very cautious with the food that we serve to our guests.  We have timers for everything in our stations, and when the timer goes off, no matter if there is still food left in the pan, we must get rid of it and serve fresh serving.  Every four hours they also have us take temperatures of all our cold foods to make sure it stays cold.  We do this all for the safety of our guests.  Safety goes a long way in Disney, if its in the kitchen or in the parks.  What really also surprised me is that at the end of our shifts, when we do second harvest, (pack food up for homeless shelters), we are even extremely careful with that.  We are told that if any two different items have been on the same tray we shouldn’t second harvest it but just throw it out.  This is because even the homeless have allergies and we don’t want to get anyone sick.  I have seen a lot of practices of safety being displayed throughout my working facility, and many of them were new to me.    

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One Response to Safety begins with me

  1. Please expand on how food safey relates to “The Storms of Summer”.

    I am not suprised at all in regards to the precautions Disney takes in regard to food safely. The principles they follow are all taught in the classes at City Tech and it is refreshing to see the level of precaution they take. Disney is the standard the industry when it comes to time/temperature control and cross contamination. Pay special attendtion to these standards as you should carry them with you as you progress through your career.

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