On the Job Training – Week 1

After Traditions I had one more training and then finally I was able to go on site. I learned that my first on the job training I will be interacting with guests and that worried me a little bit – it was actually happening. I was excited to receive my costume and then I was giving my saving grace, my “Earning my Ears” ribbon. I had four days of training on the job. I work at Tony’s Town Square restaurant right on Main Street in Magic Kingdom and I couldn’t ask for a better place. My first trainer was nice but there was something artificial about her. She was a core trainer so she knew basically core things however she did have a great grasp on the table numbers and was able to teach us them in less than 15 minutes. Not only that but the numbers actually stuck in my head. To test us a little bit she’d give me a table number and watch as I went to the table and then tell me if I was right or wrong. I had 95% – one table that I mixed up and apparently it was a section even some who worked there often mixed up as well. Of course there was more computer work to be done. I hated that part and the day ended 3o minutes later than it should have because my trainer, Joyce, decided to keep us there later.However, getting to actually seat guests without her help made me feel highly accomplished. One job down.

My second day of training was with Gloria who has been working at Tony’s for 2 years now. Gloria is such a sweetheart and really shows you everything and great ways to get it done. I was learning how to check in people with her as well as doing my taste panel that day. She wasn’t too pleased with how they now did the taste panel because they gave me miniscule portions not the full dish like they had done in the past. I had no complaints it was what it was why bother especially when you’re n We did the checklist for the trainer and what I learned from them and what I didn’t and then had a great one on one discussion. Gloria was natural and very caring and helpful in every way. However, she wanted me to do more computer work and I as well because I didn’t get enough practice with her and she and I both realized I needed to get into a rhythm to be comfortable with it. She showed me the right time to clock out so that I wouldn’t get points on my card when she found out I was let out late the previous day. She also said come ask her questions if I needed any help the next day because I will be another core trainer and she wasn’t sure the core trainer knew how to do the tasks I was to learn tomorrow properly for Tony’s. The computer was a daunting thought for me and not a highlight in training. Two down.

Day three was with a really nice core trainer named Janice whom I had met before because I had gotten my costume with her. She reviewed the table numbers with me which I only had one mishap with but knew otherwise pretty well and then we did set ups for the restaurant. We had an early shift that day coming in before everybody else which was great because then I got to see the restaurant from a morning view and not a night one. It was so peaceful and calm and I enjoyed it very much. Janice and I helped set up the tables, wiping them down and then placing the napkins and forks and knives on them. I also had crayon duty. Because Tony’s gets a lot of children, we are a child geared park, we have a children’s menu that has games the children can play on it and even a Disney Pixar car they can color which makes parents very happy to see. Therefore there is a little creamer of crayons on each table and i had to fill each one up, replenishing any missing colors. Detailed work it was but not busy work. After that I was on the inside podium where I was taking over for one of the seaters who has been there many years and so I got more computer work in which was more daunting to me. However, the longer I was on there the more confident I was getting. The annoying part is just remembering all the questions I have to ask which guests don’t want to answer when they’re trying to just come to eat. However I did get it done and I would just joke when I see a guest getting upset and say I’m sorry I have to play the F.B.I. now with a big smile on my face and it has always worked in getting a laugh out of the guest and then they become a little more patient with me. Janice did something great with me that day which was throw questions at me outside on our restaurant’s terrace to see if there was something I didn’t know and how much I really did know. That was great practice for my assessment. Day three down.

Day four was with the lovely Gloria again and everyone of the CPs and the seaters wished me luck. Jenn, the manager who was to assess me gave me the assessment in three areas. Outside the restaurant she gave me questions most frequently asked and played scenarios with me. Inside by the podium she had me describe the work there and had me check her in as a guest while she watched what I did right next to me. Then she had me taken into the dining room where I learned she had been watching me seat people and she had watched me check in people so she knows I can do both and so she’s not going to ask me to show her the table numbers. and so she asked a few more questions and then I was done. I was so nervous and she knew it and said to me you did great you had nothing to be worried about. I had passed my assessment and it was time to assess my trainers in this checklist which I did with a heart full of joy and relief. Day four gone!

I am officially a Tony’s seater.

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One Response to On the Job Training – Week 1

  1. The training process seems very structure. This is very important when you are working in an operation with high turnover. Training will also ensure that there is consistency in the workplace from shift to shift, week to week and month to month. Make sure to reflect on not only what you did but how it was done. Remembering this part of your internship will be of great assistance moving forward in your career.

    Congratulations on retaining the information you learned in a way that allowed you to “earn your ears”. Keep focused on the goals of providing proper guest service and even if you are still unsure of anything you will be able to help the guest as they engage in their Disney experience.

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