Reflection Week 4

Week 4 has become the most memorable week thus far because I witnessed the single most memorable degree of service that I have ever come across upon. I was spending a day at Epcot and I noticed a little boy standing by himself near spaceship earth. A few employees rushed over to the crying and distraught child to try and calm him down while security was trying to get a hold of his parents. I was a bit nosy and continued to walk around that area to see what will transpire. The employees were able to find out the childs name and were announcing it on a loudspeaker until the parents came.

A manager then came along with an ice cream cone for the child and his frown just went away in an instant. I then overheard that the whole family were getting a pizza at a nearby restaurant and the whole ordeal left the family speachless and overwhelmed. I hope that by the end of this program I can create that same simple magic that can turn a guests world upside down in a positive way.

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One Response to Reflection Week 4

  1. I bet that family will never forget this experience either. Being separated from a family member can be traumatic and the fact that a cast member helped resolve the problem is extremely valuable. At Disney kids are often separated from their family and you may too find yourself in this situation. Make sure to focus on quickly resolving the situation.

    I do have a question. Did the cast member give the ice-cream to the child before or after the parents arrived? My concern is food allergies and the impact that giving an allergic child a food that might make them ill. Do you know the policy on this?

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