Earning My Ears Journal #2

There was a week of training I thought I would never get through. There was so much information we had to know especially when it comes down to merchandising. I didn’t think it would be possible to learn everything I needed to in a week but I manage to earn my ears. I was so nervous when I had to work on my own. It was time for me to use what I learned and I was worried because I am used to knowing what I needed to do but merchandising is totally new to me. I applied what they taught me through one guest at a time and I wasn’t afraid to ask questions or for help. At Disney, we have different positions for merchandising and instead of working in one position all day, we rotate to keep things new. All my fellow cast members are very helpful and sweet, they would help me whenever I needed the help and that eased my nerves. The one thing my trainer said to me that stuck with me most, was that it will get easier as I keep doing it and she was right. Although, I’ve earned my ears, there are still many new things that I am learning at my job everyday and I am happy with the progress that I’ve made so far. I look forward to the overall knowledge I will have gained when this program is over.

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One Response to Earning My Ears Journal #2

  1. The first few days on a job can be stressful. As a leader, it is important to understand this and make sure an enviornment of creativity and support is created in the workplace. This is not easy to do and must be supported as every new employee is welcomed into the workplace.

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