Disney First Look

You are a junior in college and its your first time going to Disney, I’m guessing you would be just as excited as I was wouldn’t you.  However, spending about 20 hours in the car driving there kept making me less and less excited.  The ride was longer than ever and when we arrived to our location at 5 o’clock in the morning only to see a huge line of people waiting outside the gates.  We weren’t even allowed in until 7 and that’s when it all began.  Lets just say that the first day was really, really hectic.  I’m guessing that not only are there long lines to get on rides in Disney, but there’s even longer lines to be an official Disney World employee.  Once we got our rest it all felt so worth it when I walked into theMagicalKingdomand for the first time ever i was standing right in front of Cinderella’s castle.  The whole site and experience was so amazing to me.  I felt like a little kid all over again.  Know when anybody ever asks me have you ever been to Disney world?  I could proudly tell them that not only have I been there, but I work there.

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One Response to Disney First Look

  1. You will have many proud moments this semester and many that are as frustrating as the moment you arrived. Keep this in mind as you help create the Magic. Because some of your guests will be a pleasure and some will come to you unrested and unhappy. Those are the onese you need to assist most.

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