The Journey to Disney

      I arrived Tuesday night to Orlando, Florida to be prepared for Disney the next day. As I woke up and my mother drove me to Lake Buena Vista a lot of things were running through my head. I was not sure of what I was looking foward too and what I was expecting.
     As I arrived to Lake Buena Vista the check in process was easy and not confusing at all . It was amazing how everything worked out through out the day , no delays , no mistakes , no fustration.  I feel that this experience here in Disney will change my whole life completley as a human being and as a adult. These next few months will teach me how to handle time , work as a professional and be prepared for the future.

    The following months will be a new path in my life that will bring new opportunities and a whole new life to my hands.

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One Response to The Journey to Disney

  1. Yes, Disney can be life changing but keep in mind that they will create the opportunities and you need to take advantage of each option you can. Keep your eyes and ears open for workshops, seminars, netwroking and field trips.

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