Spring 2025 Workshops

Undergraduate researchers, new or returning, participating in any research program must attend four workshops. If you have already completed all workshops and do not wish to participate in them again please contact Prof. Hamid Norouzi, undergraduateresearch@citytech.cuny.edu, SUBJECT Line: workshop alternatives, to discuss alternate activities to fulfill this requirement.

Presenting Yourself Online
Focuses on how students can create and maintain a professional and/or academic online presence. City Tech’s OpenLab team supports students developing a presence on online spaces including their OpenLab sites during their academic career and even into their job search post-graduation.
Profs. Rosen and ReitzMarch 11, 1-2 PM Online Registration
Research Types and Methods Panel
Before beginning your research project, you need to decide how to design a study. This workshop will give you a brief overview of various types of research using field surveys, secondary data analysis, and laboratory experiments.
Profs. Gregory, Kim, and ParveenMarch 13, 1-2 PM Online Registration
Being a Professional
Students will learn about professionalism and strategies to develop from varied perspectives.
Profs. Davide and WalljasperMarch 13, 3-4 PM Online Registration
Using OpenLab Sites for Research Projects
City Tech’s OpenLab team supports student researchers by showing how to communicate about and display research via open platforms such as OpenLab and CUNY Academic Commons.
Profs. Rosen and ReitzMarch 20, 1-2 PM Online Registration
Academic Works for Student Posters
Adding your poster to CUNY Academic Works creates a unique, permanent link for your resume, CV, and graduate school application.
Prof. BergerMarch 25, 4-5 PM Online Registration
Advancing Library Research Techniques
Learn how to use the library and Google Scholar to find sources for your poster and general strategies for the literature review.
Prof. Leonard

Prof. Berger
March 27, 1-2 PM L540 (Library Eclassroom)

March 27, 4-5 PM Online Registration
SPSS #1 Consort Diagrams
The first session of the SPSS Workshop Series will delve into the intricacies of consort diagrams – their significance in clinical trials and scientific publications, and the methodology behind their creation. Students from all majors are welcome to attend.

Students will need to read the freely available, selected article below in advance of our session. Cardiovascular Risk Assessment Among Adolescents and Youths Living With HIV: Evaluation of Electronic Health Record Findings and Implications
Prof. GurungMarch 28, 1-2 PM Online Registration
Grad School Research Workshop 
Thinking about Graduate School? This workshop will cover the essential things you need to know before applying. Learn how to research degree programs, internship offerings, and funding opportunities. Various application components including GRE, recommendation letters, personal statements, and portfolios or work samples will be introduced. Participants will also have the opportunity to reflect on their own expectations for graduate school.
Prof. AlmeidaApril 2, 2-3 PM L540 (Library Eclassroom)
Writing Abstracts for Research Projects
Students will learn about abstracts: what they are and how they are used. They will also learn the necessary elements to writing an abstract and go through a series of exercises in small groups to distinguish between successful and unsuccessful abstracts.
Profs. Garcia and WongApril 3, 1-2 PM Online Registration

April 3, 4-5 PM Online Registration
SPSS #2 Creating Tables and Exploring Associations between Two Variables
The second session of the SPSS Workshop Series will explore the nuances of demographic, clinical characteristics, and bivariate analyses tables – their significance in clinical trials and scientific publications, and the methodology behind their creation. Students from all majors are welcome to attend. 
Students will need to read the freely available, selected article below in advance of our session. Cardiovascular Risk Assessment Among Adolescents and Youths Living With HIV: Evaluation of Electronic Health Record Findings and Implications
Prof. GurungApril 4, 1-2 PM Online Registration 
Demystifying and Managing Citations  Students will learn more about why they need to cite sources for their poster and gain awareness of why citation is a powerful and meaningful practice. We cover different kinds of sources, necessary knowledge needed to properly cite a source, and will also showcase Zotero, a free tool for formatting and managing references (citations).Prof. BergerApril 9, 4-5 PM Online Registration
ePortfolios for Academic and Career Advancement
Create dynamic, professional websites using WordPress featuring your outstanding academic work.
AtoLApril 10, 1-2 PM Online Registration

April 10, 4-5 PM Online Registration
SPSS #3  Creating Tables and Exploring Associations between Multiple Variables for Scientific Journal Articles
The third session of the SPSS Workshop Series will explore the nuances of multivariable analyses tables – their significance in clinical trials and scientific publications, and the methodology behind their creation.  Students from all majors are welcome to attend.
Students will need to read the freely available, selected article below in advance of our session. Cardiovascular Risk Assessment Among Adolescents and Youths Living With HIV: Evaluation of Electronic Health Record Findings and Implications
Prof. GurungApril 11, 1-2 PM Online Registration 
Designing a Research Poster Presentation
Understand the purpose of a scientific research poster; learn important layout principles and components to create and present effective research posters.  Please register before midnight on April 23, 2024. Registrations submitted after this deadline cannot be guaranteed approval.
Profs. Davide, Alcendor, and Xiao April 24 1-2 PM Online Registration

April 24 4-5 PM L540 (Library Eclassroom)

Photo credit: “Workshop” by Daniel Mee via Flickr under the license CC BY 2.0.

HASTAC Scholars application due 12/1

A great opportunity from HASTAC/The Futures Initiative at the CUNY Graduate Center:

Extended Deadline for the HASTAC Scholars  2025-2026 Cohort:
Apply by December 1st!

Great News! We are extending the application deadline for the 2025-2026 HASTAC Scholars Program! HASTAC Scholars is a dynamic community of graduate and undergraduate students working across the intersections of technology, arts, humanities, and sciences. Scholars engage in collaborative projects, lead discussions, contribute to online forums, and showcase their research through various digital platforms. Open to students from all disciplines, the program offers a unique opportunity to connect globally, develop innovative projects, and help shape equitable educational systems.

Applications are now open till December 1st, 2024. 

Let’s work together to build the next HASTAC Scholars generation. Please share this call!

Workshop: Designing a Research Poster Presentation

Undergraduate Researchers, are you getting ready to present your research?!

Please join City Tech’s Profs. Davide, Alcendor, and Xiao for this semester’s final workshops, focused on helping you design a research poster presentation. In this workshop, participating students will understand the purpose of a scientific research poster as well as learn important layout principles and components to create and present effective research posters.

Date: Thursday, November 21, 2024

1-2:00PM via Zoom (please register)


4-5:00PM in L540 (Library Eclassroom–enter via the 4th floor Library entrance)

Photo credit: “turquoise and orange mockup vers2” by crafty_dame via Flickr under the license CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

Workshop: Writing Abstracts for Research Projects

More workshops to engage with in November, Undergraduate Researchers!

You’re invited to join Prof. Garcia, Prof. Wong, and the graduate fellows in City Tech’s Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) program for a workshop on Writing Abstracts for Research Projects. In this workshop, students will learn about abstracts: what they are and how they are used. They will also learn the necessary elements to writing an abstract and go through a series of exercises in small groups to distinguish between successful and unsuccessful abstracts.

The sessions are on Thursday, November 14th via Zoom:


These are two great options for one great workshop!

Photo credit: “Abstract” by tanakawho via Flickr under the license CC BY-NC 2.0.

Department of the Navy’s Summer paid internship opportunity

Sharing the following message about this opportunity with a deadline of this Friday, 11/8. Good luck to all who apply!

Greetings HBCU (Historically Black Colleges and Universities)/MI (Minority Institutions) Community and Allies,

It’s not too late to apply!  The deadline is Friday, November 8th at 11:59pm. The Department of the Navy’s HBCU/MI Student Internship Program (SIP) Application Web Portal is now open for students to apply for paid summer 2025 internships. Due to program expansion, students now have the opportunity to apply to 10 diverse internships programs with wider focus areas including engineering (electrical, mechanical, chemical, nuclear, aeronautical, and civil), medical to include dentistry and nursing, law, computer science, data science, cybersecurity, business, logistics, biology, and chemistry. We encourage all HBCU/MI students to apply for these valuable paid internship opportunities. Please share this information widely within your academic and social networks.

The application portal can be accessed at: https://www.hbcumi-sip.com/

Key Dates:

  • Stipend Amounts and Other Important Details
    • Work Stipend: Undergraduates: $8,500 and Graduates: $10,500
    • Interns are also eligible for both a housing and relocation stipend
    • Candidates Must be U.S. Citizens and eligible to obtain a U.S. Department of Defense Security Clearance at the Secret Level.
  • Application Portal Opens: Now
  • Application Portal Closes: November 8, 2024

I look forward to seeing your application in the web portal!

All the best,

R. Maurice Civers-Davis

Deputy Director,
Department of the Navy’s (DoN) Historically Black Colleges
& Universities/ Minority Institutions (HBCU/MI) Program Office,
875 N. Randolph Street, Arlington, VA 22217

Program Director,
NAVWAR HBCU/MI Cyber and Data Science Program
58420 Cyber Development and Acquisition Branch

Photo credit: “United States Department of the Navy seal – US Navy – US Military” by veteranscall usa via Flickr under the license CC BY-SA 2.0.

Workshop: Journal Club 2

Undergraduate Researchers and students in Health Sciences at City Tech: Journal Club is back for its second session! Check out their Journal Club site on the OpenLab.

In Journal Club #2, Prof. Gurung will lead a discussion about the following topic: Marijuana and illicit drugs: Correlates of condomless anal sex among adolescent and emerging adult sexual minority men.

Register and join via Zoom for the Friday, November 8, 1:00-2:00pm session.

For more information, review the Meetings section of the Journal Club site.

Photo credit: “Outcropping” by foodchronicles via Flickr under the license CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

Workshop: ePortfolios for Academic and Career Advancement

A new month, and more great workshops, Undergraduate Researchers!

Do you have an ePortfolio? Interested in starting one or improving on yours to feature your resume and some of your best work, including your research accomplishments?

You’re invited to join City Tech’s iTEC team for a workshop on ePortfolios for Academic and Career Advancement. In this workshop, you will create dynamic, professional websites using WordPress featuring your outstanding academic work.

These sessions are Wednesday, November 6th:

Register for and attend via Zoom the 1:00-2:00PM session


Register and attend via Zoom for the 4:00-5:00PM session.

Two great options for a great workshop!

Photo credit: “Portfolio” by Pezzo via Flickr under the license CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

Workshop: Journal Club 1

Here’s an exciting opportunity for Undergraduate Researchers and students in Health Sciences at City Tech: Journal Club! Check out their Journal Club site on the OpenLab.

In Journal Club #1, Prof. Gurung will lead a discussion about the following topic: Alcohol and substance use diagnoses among HIV-positive patients receiving care in NYC clinic settings.

Register and join via Zoom for the Friday, November 1, 1:00-2:00pm session.

For more information, review the Meetings section of the Journal Club site.

Photo credit: “Stone circle” by jclor via Flickr under the license CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

Workshop: Advancing Library Research Techniques

As we pass the mid-semester mark, we’re also in the middle of the slate of workshops designed for you, Undergraduate Researchers!

You’re invited to join Prof. Leonard and Prof. Berger from City Tech’s library for a workshop on Advancing Library Research Techniques, where you’ll learn how to use the library and Google Scholar to find sources for your poster and general strategies for the literature review.

This workshop is offered twice on Thursday, October 31st, once in the library and once on Zoom:

  • In person with Prof. Leonard, 1:00-2:00 PM–This workshop will take place in L540, the Library E-classroom. Enter the library on the 4th Floor of the Library building, and go up to the classroom on the next floor.
  • Online with Prof. Berger, 4:00-5:00 PM –You can register for the 4:00PM Advancing Library Research Techniques via Zoom.

Two great options for one great workshop!

Photo Credit: “Sky” by Ivan via Flickr under the license CC BY-SA 2.0 DEED

Workshop: Using OpenLab for your Research Project

We’re at midsemester, and nearly at the midpoint of this semester’s workshops, thanks to the effort of the workshop leaders and organizers, and of course to the curious and lively student participants!

Next in the workshop schedule is Using OpenLab for your Research Project, led by Prof. Reitz and Prof. Rosen, from the OpenLab Team, who will support student researchers by showing how to communicate about and display research via OpenLab.

Register for Using OpenLab for Your Research Project and join online on Thursday, 10/24, 1:00-2:00PM.

If you haven’t already, you may want to take the time to sign up for an OpenLab account before the workshop so you can log in and get started!

Photo credit: “The Right Tool” by Emily via Flickr under the license CC BY-NC 2.0 Deed.