Electrical & Telecommunications Engineering Technology

Li Geng Statistical Signal Processing with its applications in areas such as signal detection and estimation, indoor positioning; big sensor data analytics in the Internet of Things; big data analytics across disciplines. lgeng@citytech.cuny.edu V-739
Asm Delowar Hossain Network Protocol, Quality of Service, Resource Allocation Algorithm for Optical-Wireless Network at the access level. ahossain@citytech.cuny.edu V-742
Zory Marantz Power Control, Wireless communications: WiFi, Bluetooth, Zigbee, and software defined radios. zmarantz@citytech.cuny.edu V-737
Muhammad Ummy Fiber optics, fiber lasers and fiber sensors MAUmmy@citytech.cuny.edu V-736
Viviana Vladutescu Earth Remote Sensing and Target Surveillance vvladutescu@citytech.cuny.edu V-729
Xinzhou Wei Research interests include computer networking and security, RFID and embedded device security xwei@citytech.cuny.edu V-727

3 thoughts on “Electrical & Telecommunications Engineering Technology”

  1. Earth Remote Sensing and Target Surveillance, I would like to get more information regarding your research.

  2. I dear. I am in EETand I am interested on your research “computer networking and security, RFID and embedded device security”

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