Considering graduate school?

From the Educational Opportunity and Diversity Office:

Hello Students,

I’d like to pass on a great opportunity for those of you interested in getting a PhD and teaching/researching at the collegiate level; The CUNY Pipeline Program.

The Pipeline Program is a CUNY-wide initiative designed to provide educational and financial support to CUNY undergraduates from groups currently underrepresented in our nation’s universities who are interested in pursuing a Ph.D. in preparation for college-level teaching and advanced research.

It consists of a 6-week intensive summer institute in which fellows take a research seminar in either the social sciences or the humanities designed to introduce them to graduate-level work and research skills. They also take courses on critical thinking and writing, Grad School 101, and intensive GRE preparation. The following fall and spring semesters include monthly meetings with graduate student mentors and a spring semester research conference where fellows present a research project. Perhaps the most important aspect of the Pipeline Program is the attention to each student’s unique mix of experiences and identity, disciplinary interests, and academic goals.

I encourage you to visit the Pipeline website ( to find out more info or to contact the Pipeline Program.

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