Getting Experience

Hi, my name is Mandy and I will be blogging personal stories of City Tech students along with a quote/word that inspired or helped them through hard times. (This is somewhat similar to The Humans of New York). The post will be consisted of the students’ story in their own words followed by their name, age, and major. The quote will then be hand-lettered by me on a wallet-sized card to be given to the storyteller, to remind them that these quotes/words could be powerful.


a card that says "Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want."

“Last semester I had senior project and an internship at an acting school. For senior project I was nervous but confident because I had a pretty good idea of how it what going to work out and for my internship I knew a couple of people going in so I didn’t sweat it much. The semester actually started good and I was making great progress on my project until I hit a bump of sorts. It was during a meeting with my professor and I had been proud of my work so far I showed him my work and that’s when it happened – I was off – proportions of all my figures were way off. Normally I’d brush it off and go relearn again but this was senior project; this was the end all be all or at least that is the weight you feel when you go in. I didn’t have time to relearn or redraw I had to learn on the fly or I’d probably fail hardcore. Failure was weighing on me – I freaked out. I was so bad that every figure I drew afterwards was so off and they kept getting worse. In the midst of my breakdown my advising professor really helped me out if it. He was always honest with me not wanting to sugar coat the toughness of the industry I was walking into. He told me that this profession (the arts; no matter what form) has its challenges, pitfalls and days were you want to break down but it’s how you come out of those days that determine how you’ll do in this industry. His little pep talk meant a lot to me. I dragged myself out of wallowing and made it through my senior project fairly well. The year didn’t turn out as I had planned but I’ve learned that “experience is what you get when you don’t get what you want”. Full digression I got that last one from a fortune cookie.”

Name: C. R.
Age: 23
Major: Illustration

Soul Searching

Hey guys. As you’ve read in my last post, sunset and clouds are what really made me fall in love with photography. I have included a few of the images that captured my heart when I just started out.


a sunset

A fire ignited within her soul, subconsciously, was it the way the shutter button went off? Or was it the breathtaking sunset? Grand Anse Grenada W.I. 5:42pm


the sky

As she looked up to the sky, she became breathless. There it was again, that ignition. This time it was the variety of clouds that took her breath way. Circular Drive, Grenada W.I.  4:15pm

a sunset

As the years past by, she kept on searching. Searching for something she thought was unreachable. And then it happened again, her perspective changed completely. she fell in love with sunset. I love you sunset! Manhattan Beach, NY. 4:40pm


colored clouds

With her head in the clouds, she has never felt so free and alive before.  She had finally solved her own puzzle. Perseverance, passion and patience was all it took. Never give up on your passion! Manhattan Beach, NY. 4:42pm

Beginner’s Molecular Gastronomy

Hello, my name is Brianna Vasquez and I am a sophomore, majoring in hospitality management at New York City College of Technology. I am in love with all subjects pertaining to food and its innovations that are trending in the culinary world since I aspire to become a pastry chef. But I wanted to share easy gourmet dishes that can be made from the items you most likely already have at home in the fridge or pantry. I am overly obsessed with molecular gastronomy which is a food practice that applies scientific principles to the improvement of food by different techniques and ingredients. It can affect the texture, color, shape, and flavor of the food item. Molecular gastronomy has gotten so popular that it now provides kits for professional chefs and home cooks to use which can be expensive ranging from $30-$350 depending on what is offered in each kit. It is an expensive practice due to the gourmet ingredients used like xanthan gum that is not readily available in local supermarkets. Nevertheless, I wanted to share an inexpensive recipe for molecular gastronomy spherification which is commonly used as a garnish that can allow you to feel like a Michelin star chef in quality without spending a lot of cash.

Here’s the Recipe for Gelatin “Caviar”:

But first is some basic information when making gelatin caviar is

1.  Choose strong flavors such a strong brewed coffee or balsamic vinegar that can be easily tasted due to their potent flavors.

2. Choose an oil whether vegetable (which is what I recommend since it is more versatile and readily available) or grape seed. Don’t use olive oil or coconut oil and other oils that can easily solidify. Since the oil must be cold in order form the caviar to solidify into its pearl-like shape. The oil can either be put in the freezer for an hour but preferably overnight to chill or be placed in an ice bath.

3. Choose what tool to drop with whether a plastic squeeze bottle (which is what I used), a culinary syringe, or an eye dropper in order to drop the liquid into the oil.

edible pink and blue pearls

Image by ckubber via Flickr








Gelatin “Caviar”

Yield: about 3/4 cup caviar
Special equipment:
Plastic squeeze bottle, unused medicine dropper (pipet) or culinary syringe
Mesh sieve
2-3 cups vegetable oil
2 – 1/4 oz. packages powdered gelatin (or 4 teaspoons) {** if making, a vegan version, replace the powdered gelatin for powdered agar agar for the same measure}
3 tablespoons cold water
3 fluid oz. hot liquid (1/4 cup plus 3 tbsp) i.e. hot coffee, or other liquid heated on the stove-top or in microwave
1/4 cup salt for water bath

1.Place oil in a 9×13-inch metal pan (or similar size) and store in refrigerator overnight. The oil must be very cold for the gelatin to set properly.

2.In a medium bowl mix the gelatin and water until thoroughly combined and no lumps of gelatin remain. Let stand while you prepare the hot liquid.

3.Warm 3 oz. liquid on the stove-top or in a microwave until very hot but not boiling. Pour liquid over set gelatin mixture and stir until gelatin is melted.  This may take a few minutes and you can break up the gelatin with a spoon for quicker dissolve.

4.When gelatin is completely melted transfer liquid to a squeeze bottle. You can also leave the mixture in the bowl and use a medicine dropper or syringe to draw the liquid for dropping.

5.Let the mixture stand for a few minutes, if it’s too hot the gelatin will not set properly and the “caviar” will be misshapen. It should be just barely warm – almost room temperature.

6.While you wait for your mixture to cool, prepare the oil for the ice bath. Transfer chilled oil to a 1 quart container (preferably metal because it will aid cooling, but glass will work too).  Prepare the ice bath. Make sure the bowl you are using for the ice bath is larger than the container holding the oil.  Fill bowl with ice and then add water until the bowl is two-thirds filled. Add 1/4 cup salt and stir until mixed.  Rest the container of oil inside the water bath.

coffee liquid dripping from syringe

Image by Two Helmets Cooking via Flickr

7. Begin dropping gelatin mixture into the cold oil, 1-3 drips at a time. The amount of drips will vary according to the viscosity of the oil and type of dropper you use.  As you can see in the video it took three drops for one caviar pearl to form. You’ll know the correct amount when the mixture forms a ball that rests on the surface for a moment then sinks to the bottom.

8.When half the  mixture has been used, wait for 3-5 minutes then scoop the caviar into a mesh sieve to drain. Place caviar in an air-tight container or a canning jar with a screw-tight lid. Resume dropping the gelatin mixture into the cold oil until all of the mixture is used.

9.Personal note: I was too slow, so a little of my mixture solidified before I could pipe it all. Try to be quick but don’t stress. I still had plenty of caviar at the end.

10.When finished, place caviar in a canning jar or in an air-tight container with a little of the oil poured over top. This may sound weird or gross, but it keeps the caviar moist for up to a week.  Plus, if you don’t like the idea of oil being on the caviar you can rinse it in a sieve under cold water before placing on the dessert.

11.When stored with a little oil poured over and placed in an air-tight container the caviar will keep for up to 10 days.


Can You Escape?

Do you have what it takes to put clues together and solve puzzles? Well I’ve got just the place for you! With just 60 minutes on the clock you will be placed in a room (the theme of your choice) with various clues that you must solve in order to find the key to escape!

a magnifying glass

Image taken by:  Kit

Yesterday I visited “Escape the Room” located in Midtown Manhattan (25 W. 31st.) where I was locked in “The Home” (the theme of the room) with six other people and our premise was, as I mentioned before, to gather multiple clues that were inside of “The Home” in order to find the key and ESCAPE! Even though the people I was paired up with were complete strangers, I have to say, our team work was on another level! We all worked together as if we had known each other for years! Every time we found a clue everyone screamed out of excitement and our adrenaline kept rushing as we started to get anxious to find the next clue which would hopefully lead us to the key.

With just six minutes and 24 seconds left on the clock we made it out of the room! Yes we ESCAPED!! Shockling, only 20% of people make it out! Crazy huh? This was such a great experience and I recommend everyone to go! You don’t need to be a brainiac either so don’t be discouraged!

six people

If you’re interested, they have many different themed rooms. As I mentioned before I was locked in “The Home”, but in the Midtown location they also have “The Office” and “The Agency” themed rooms. Their second location is in Downtown Manhattan (107 Suffolk St.) where you can get locked in a “Theater” or an “Apartment”! How great is that!?

I will definitely be returning with a group of friends! Although I am unsure which theme we will choose, I know it will be fun and exciting regardless!

I chose to do this not only because it was an interesting and unique thing to do but also because I’ve come to realize that us New Yorkers take advantage of the City that we live in and how many great things there are to do here. You don’t always have to go to the movies or out to eat even though that’s all that seems to be around.

So expand your horizon, next time you and your friends are bored, go check out “Escape the Room”!! You won’t regret it!

Freedom State of Mind

Hello I’m Jean-Luc Antoine, I am a student majoring in Bioinformatics. Although I’m majoring in a science field, I’ve always had a passion for photography. Any chance I have of fulfilling this passion, I have taken it seriously because it is one of the things that I dearly love to do.I see photography as an art enabling me to express myself, in ways more profound and meaningful than simple interactions with people because it doesn’t only take me more patience and dedication, but it also takes me the right determination and motivation to produce this form of art.

In Addition to normal photos, I’ve created a section that will allow me to feature the portraits and insights of the Humans of CUNY. It is an idea inspired by Brandon Stanton’s vivacious blog “Humans of New York”. In today’s photos and words, I want you people to experience the idea of having a free state of mind. Follow me in this quest to freedom.



The gate to freedom and opportunities is wide open, anyone can make the journey and make their experience worth every seconds.

people on the Brooklyn bridgePhoto taken at the Brooklyn Bridge


Slowly is the sun bursting out of proportion, awaiting patiently to be fully unleashed from captivity. Us Humans call it sunrise, for the sun it is the quest to freedom.

sunrise on the Brooklyn bridge Photo taken at the Brooklyn Bridge


They are the ones who found it totally abhorrent and incomprehensible when they witnessed the dreadful cruelty and neglect inflicted towards African Americans. They lead the quest to freedom and gave a voice for those who couldn’t speak for themselves.

graffitiPhoto taken at Broadway Junction

Humans of CUNY

“A moment where you felt completely free?”

“I fell free when I’m playing basketball. I like trying out new moves such as crossovers. When I get hot from the 3 point line, I feel invincible like Steph Curry. I’m not scared to guard anyone from the smallest to the biggest guy on the court. I go after every loose ball and every rebound. I may lose sometimes, but I have that competitive fire in me that always wants to win. I have love and passion for the game.”

a young man sittingPhoto taken at Brooklyn College

Delicious Ramen at Ramen-Ya

As much as I dislike this never-ending, gloomy,and subzero weather, I can actually say that I really enjoy eating a particular Japanese comfort food that’s warm and hearty and that I can never seem to get tired of and that’s ramen.

I recently visited a new ramen restaurant located in Greenwich Village, NYC called Ramen-Ya. I was really excited to try this restaurant since my boyfriend and I have tried it’s original location in the West Village.


For appetizer, we tried the Okra Pork Gyozas. These were quite tasty and different from what we usually order. They were pan-fried and stuffed with minced pork, okra, and shisho with ponzu sauce.The okra gave a slime-like texture to the dumpling, but it was interesting.

a food dishMy boyfriend ordered the Shio Black (Tonkotsu) ramen. The noodles were thin and straight bathed in the original berkshire pork broth which was full of flavor and deliciousness, with a hint of the black garlic oil. It was topped with cha-shu pork, tree mushrooms, seasoned egg, and scallions. These are just a few typical ingredients you would fine in an authentic bowl of ramen. In my opinion, this ramen was alright, but the taste of the black garlic oil was overpowering.

a food dishWe also ordered a mini curry rice on the side. It was truly mini as the menu says. The mini curry rice was yummy, especially that curry sauce.

a food dish

I ordered the Shoyu (Tonkotsu) ramen and man was I excited for it. This bowl of ramen had a unique set of flavors! It’s similar to the Shio Black ramen in terms of the straight thin noodles and toppings. The only difference is the broth. The broth was absolutely heaven! The noodles were cooked al dente and the berkshire pork was really moist and juicy.

In conclusion, we really liked this ramen joint! It’s different from the others that we’ve been to because not only was it really spacious, but the kitchen was a closed kitchen and the food was just really phenomenal! There will definitely be a second trip to Ramen-Ya in the near future since I would like to try their other menu items. While it’s still freezing and cold outside, why not try out Ramen-Ya and have a bowl of hearty Japanese soul food with a friend or family?

Weekend Excursions

“A picture is worth a thousand words.”  Life begins when you start exploring.  It has changed my perspective on life.

Hi new friends.  My name is Konyca Francis.  I am a Liberal Arts and Electromechanical Engineering major.  Over the past eight years I have been capturing breathtaking images.

Initially, I took pictures because I was fascinated by the variety of clouds, and was drawn to the different shapes and objects.  I was amazed by the dynamic range of colors that appeared, three minutes after the sun disappeared beyond the horizon.  However I never displayed my work because I was too reserved.

A turning point occurred, when I attended a photography exhibition.  While there, I received excellent advice.  Instantly, my confidence was boosted.  I became inspired!

I plan on exhibiting my talent.  Through photography, I will take you along many adventures.  With that being said, take a journey with me on this weeks feature, “Weekend Excursions.”


a person crouched with a toy gun

Smoke Bomb attached to toy gun. Liberty State Park, NJ. 2:37pm

bright lights

Steel Wool Photography. Brooklyn Bridge, NY. 2:24am

a smartphone

New York City Farm Colony. Staten Island, NY. 1:04pm

a body of water

Arthur Kill Ship Graveyard. Staten Island, NY. 2:40pm

Should Dressing for Success in School depend on Preference, Profession, or Professionalism?

cartoon people in suits

Image by Kaz via CC* license

Are you someone who wakes up and just throw something on when heading to class? Maybe you like to show your creative side when finding new fabrics to wear. Or maybe you perceive your place of education like a job interview. Is there an unsaid dress-code when going to school?

During my 5, not so sequential, years at New York City College of Technology (City Tech), and while attending several success-seminars outside of school, I noticed everyone has different views on how to accessorize oneself. This can be due to many factors: how we are raised; environmental influences; and personal preference. However, at this age in our lives, I blame it on timing (whether someone may be rushing, or not), preference and attitude.

First, I will tell you how I choose what to wear where. OR, should I say the types of clothing I have? I guess it doesn’t matter. Okay, Here goes.  Depending on the impression I want to make, usually a great one, I will dress accordingly, including while attending school! I shall say this: ONLY WEAR SWEATS AND SPANDEX IF AT A GYM OR WORKING OUT! I will dress business-casual when seeing clients.  I will dress upscale when around certain sponsors. I will dress fashionable & “Beat for the Gawds” at certain social events. I will wear pajama pants only at home! I know many of you reading this my find comfort in wearing them outside…. AND OF COURSE, when I go to a class I will dress comfortable and casual, yet well kempt. Sometimes, even dressing in business attire. I guess at a Tech Production for “Falling Sparrow,” I may put on light makeup to have less impurities on film. Aside: If I am coming from, or going to, work or another engagement, my attire may vary.

a young woman in professional attire

Amoni B by Love&Fashion

Now lets analyze the hallways. Out of the several student inside of college only about 5% will wear slacks, pant suits, suit jackets and work clothes. Other than that, if one were to see the clothing of others in a descriptive light, they would describe some of the art as: the staying-with-the-fads-of-urban-hiphop wear, seemingly-uncaring-dark-colored-sweats/spandex, the i-woke-up-too-late-to-iron, going-to-a-rock-concert attire, the want-to-be-on-a-fashion-runway model get-tup, and the I’m-supper-creative-so-my-clothes-have-to-be-so-unique-that-its-border-line-outrageous items.

male models in bright colors

Image by Slava Zaitsev via CC license

I believe everyone should express themselves, especially if its how they should look in their career path, but professionalism is a must. School should be treated like a job interview in a business-casual setting. You should dress to IMPRESS, not look as you are in a state of DISTRESS. Formal education will open doors to internships, employment, and entrepreneurship. No one wants to work with unprofessional people. Even athletes dress in “suit and tie” on certain functions. American football players don’t have to wear helmets to show how athletic they are. Imagine you needed an entertainment attorney help you with a contract. Would you hire someone in a funky, in-style parachute-pant suit with purple hair or someone in appropriate business attire that may have color attributes? Not the one with the hammer pants and the funky get up, I am sure of it.

                 an illustration of parachute pants                                 an illustration of a suit jacket and tie          Image by Anne Lee Dabney via CC license              Image by Nemo via CC license.

QUESTIONS TO THE PUBLIC: So the next time you come to class how will you dress? Do you believe your major calls for a certain attire? Are you in a program that has a dresscode that you have to adhere to, what are the penalties for not following it? Comment you suggestions or feedback.

*CC: Creative Commons.

Net Neutrality: What Does It Mean?

the words "Net Neutrality: ALL BITS ARE CREATED EQUAL. It's not just a good idea. It ought to be the LAW."

With the FCC’s recent ruling on Internet neutrality the issue of nondiscriminatory internet service has moved from the backburner to the forefront of the minds of every day internet users. Be it for Netflix, YouTube, Streaming music or downloading questionably legal files, net neutrality means equal internet speeds for all.

People who use Verizon in particular have noticed that their internet speed slows considerably when they use services like Netflix and Amazon Instant Video. Under the concept of net neutrality, this would be illegal. Certain services like HBO GO for example, are blocked in their entirety by certain providers. This too would be illegal.

Earlier today the FCC put forth a plan with the intention that the new laws would prevent internet providers from throttling the internet speeds of their customers, however, the ruling may have paved the way to a deeply segregated internet. People would be changed from internet equals, to users on a “pay-for-priority” system.

Originally the U.S appeals court rejected the FCC’s recommendation on net neutrality rules on the basis that it would not allow users to pay more money for better internet under any circumstances. Only after allowing a small number of pay-for-priority deals did the appeals court approve the new laws. There is some question over whether or not the FCC has the authority to regulate the Internet at all, but the wheels have been set in motion. The Internet – the “network of networks” that connects the world won’t be quite so open anymore.



A Tasty Treat

Hello everyone, I was recently introduced to a delicious snack I thought I’d share with the rest of you. Have you ever heard of Fried Double Stuffed Oreos?

For those who haven’t, I’ve decided to share the delicious recipe for you all.


2 cups of flour

1/2 teaspoon baking powder

1/2 teaspoon salt

2 tablespoons of sugar

5 ice cubes

2 cups seltzer

1 egg yolk

1 pack of Double Stuffed Oreo cookies

Vegetable oil for frying


1. Mix the flour, baking powder, salt, and sugar in a medium bowl. Put the 5 ice cubes in a glass measuring cup and add enough seltzer to make 2 cups. Add to the flour mixture along with the egg yolk. Mix until there are no large lumps and the ice cubes have melted. Set aside.

2. Fill a tall saucepan or deep-fryer with up to 2 inches of vegetable oil and turn on the stove. Dip the Oreo’s in the batter and fry a few at a time until crispy. Each Oreo should take around 45 to 60 seconds. Once completed, carefully remove with a spoon, and drain on paper towels. Continue until all the Oreo’s have been dipped in batter and fried.

Once completed, you should be left with a tasty treat that should look something like this…
