Rainy Daze

Only yesterday, my friend and I were conversing about photography. Mainly about good and bad days to capture images. Speaking from experience, there’s really no “bad” day to take pictures; Unless its a bride and a groom at prospect park. That “bad” day turns to good the minute you start thinking outside the box just a little.

There’s a saying that the elder folks usually say: “when it rains it pours” which means from one bad situation to another. However I like to take that phrase and turn it into a positive one. How? “when it rains it pours”, pours causes puddles and reflection right? Think about it, so the next time it rains, look out for the puddles see if you can see your own reflection or of a building or vehicles passing by. What’s also interesting is the vibrant reflection of the street and vehicle lights on the pavement.

orange traffic cones

“Positive thinking will let you do everything better than negative thinking will.” Downtown Brooklyn, NY 11:13pm


“Hope is the little voice you hear whisper “maybe” when it seems the entire world is shouting “no!”  Bensonhurst Brooklyn, NY 12:16pm


“There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth; not going all the way, and not starting.”  Williamsburg Bridge, NY 4:40pm


“The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal.” Borough Hall Brooklyn, NY 5:23pm


“One of the happiest moments in life is when you find the courage to let go of what you can’t change.” Linden Blvd Brooklyn, NY 6:22pm


“Some people look for a beautiful place, others make a place beautiful.”  Brooklyn Bridge Park Brooklyn, NY 8:52pm


Hurricane Joaquin Is Coming!

a screenshot of Hurricane Joaquin on a weather map

Its been almost 3 years since Hurricane Sandy hit. 3 years since many lost their homes, power, and many other valuable items. Ever since Sandy, we’ve all been hoping and praying that NY is never hit with such an event ever again.

Now say hello to Hurricane Joaquin! The hurricane that’s being called the new Sandy. Touching down in the Bahamas this past week, it left a huge devastation in its path. It was so big, that the forecast feared that it would hit NY next.

Well you New Yorkers can rest easy…for now at least. Anyone dreading a repeat of Hurricane Sandy can breathe a little easier, since Joaquin is now expected to spin away from the East Coast.

The storm, which weakened to a Category 3 hurricane Friday night, is likely to turn out to sea after hammering the Bahamas, according to the National Hurricane Center.

Even our mayor made a statement. “”We’re going to wait, obviously, for a while to be able to see more information, but at this moment the news is good,” De Blasio said.

But while the news may look good for now, I don’t think we should take any chances. Stock up, remain indoors, and border up. I for one won’t relax until I know this storm has officially passed.

The Concrete Jungle, Not So Concrete

Really New York City is given many names, one of the most popular names being “The Concrete Jungle” Well it does seems like a concrete jungle if you look at it from the outside, however if you take a look and explore it from the inside,  you will find out that nature is everywhere in New York City.

There are many parks in New York and that is the perfect place where nature can be found in the city. The enormous park that is Central Park is a jungle right in the middle of the city, where one can go to be in more direct contact with nature. But there are countless of other locations in New York City in which nature is a very prominent part of the area. Nature mixes with the urban life , makes the city a more amazing place than it already is.

a colorful cityThe High Line – Manhattan


a horse and carriageCentral Park -Manhattan


row boats on a riverCentral Park – Manhattan


a purple sunset over a city skylineGantry Park Plaza – Queens


Love the way you live

a card that says "You love the way you live"

“You love the way you live.

I think, that our usual behavior can be traced in everything we do. Our everyday routine and willingness to do things can reflect how we approach specific assignments. The same is true when it comes to loving and caring about somebody: we tend to love as genuine as we do other things.

Of course, caring about a person we love can’t be completely compared with doing that end-of-a-week laundry, yet it has something important in common: passion to get something done or achieve a result. If we approach doing laundry without a drop of passion, we won’t ever be satisfied with a fact that our clothes is clean and fresh again. Love to another person within this scenario shares the same path: lack of satissfaction. We will never be completely satissfied unless we appreciate a presence of that very special person and go beyond possible to make them happy.

It is not a secret that everything has its up and downs moments, and sometimes we are fed up enough. We see escape as the only solution. But love isn’t here for those who give up easily. Love wants us to be persistant and work hard.

If we approach duties without a passion on a daily basis, we create a habit of carelessness. I think, it is hard to become a caring person all of a sudden if our routine behaviour is different.

A solution, of course, exists. We should approach everything with a great passion and enjoy a process. Once it becomes a habit, it becomes a part of us and can be traced in everything we do, including love and care.”

Name: R. Verhnyak
Age: 24
Major: Mechanical Engineering

Hudson Yard Station


Have you guys seen the new Hudson Yard Station as yet? If not its a must see. They really did an excellent job on this one I must say. This 7 line extension at 34th Hudson Yard, is New York’s first new station in 25 years.

I know this may not sound like a big deal, but it makes the commute on the far West Side of midtown Manhattan much easier since there was never any direct commute before. For example Jacob Javits Center, the High Line and Hudson River Park are all now easily accessible.

What should you expect when you do visit? Ahhh! I wouldn’t spoil the fun, go take a look and let me know what you guys think. But in the mean time, here’s a preview.

glass ceiling entrance to the subway“Every morning is a chance of a new day.”  Hudson Yard Station Manhattan, NY 1:56pm

-Marjorie Hinckley

escalators enclosed in glass “A winner is a dreamer who never gives up.” Hudson Yard Station Manhattan, NY 12:23am

-Nelson Mandela

a subway staircase “Success is not just a measure of how big you can dream, it is also a measure of how much can you do.” Hudson Yard Station Manhattan, NY 2:48pm

a future-istic subway tunnel “A journey of a thousands miles must begin with a single step.” Hudson Yard Station Manhattan, NY 3:06pm

street sculpture/art“Life is like a mirror: It’ll smile at you if you smile at it.” Hudson Yard Station Manhattan, NY 2:22pm

National Coffee Day is Tomorrow

a drawing of a cup of coffee, and the words "National Coffee Day September 29"

Image by: HD Pics

Tomorrow marks the official day dedicated to America’s favorite beverage, coffee. September 29th is National Coffee Day. Light roast, medium roast, dark roast, blond roast whether robust or light-bodied; all are being celebrated on this day. Coffee is such a patriarch of our daily routine that it deserves to be celebrated especially if it will lower the costs of our daily cup of joe.

Coffee has made such great strides in the past decade by being used in many new innovations. Coffee flour is a great new ingredient that is yet to go mainstream in the culinary world; it is a sustainable way of using the entire coffee berry. When coffee is made only the bean is used and the outer berry is usually discarded but with the coffee flour, the rest of the berry is used. As I aspire to be a pastry chef, it is amazing to see the progress that coffee has made as it impacts the culinary world, which cannot only be used for professional chefs but for home bakers as well who can benefit from using this innovative ingredient in their baked goods.

I remember the first time I drank coffee, it was in the middle of winter so it gave me this sense of warmth and it tasted amazing, the slight taste of bitterness with a natural sweet flavor. It was incredibly rich, I was never the huge coffee drinker that needed a cup of coffee everyday nor did I rely on its caffeine to get me through the day. But I will say that coffee is unlike any other beverage I ever had, I was never allowed to drink coffee until my mid-teenage years as my mother did not allow the consumption of caffeine in any sort especially coffee.

This day allows for many freebies and discounts from many iconic coffee-selling shops located in New York. So do not hesitate to take advantage of these one day only opportunities to get your coffee fix on national coffee day. Below are just a few of the offers:

iced coffee

Image by: 5minutesformom

Seattle’s Best Coffee is offering a two dollars off coupon for any of their smooth coffee varieties at participating locations after you like them on Facebook then you can click the coupon tab to download.

Krispy Kreme is celebrating by giving customers a free small coffee and glazed donut as well as selling 12 oz. mocha, latte or iced coffee — including a Pumpkin Spice Latte — all for $1 at participating locations.

a ceramic mug of Dunkin Donuts coffee

Image by: Eric Bonkhz

Every Dunkin’ Donuts location across the country is offering a free medium hot or iced Dark Roast coffee to each of their guests, with a limit of one free coffee per customer all day long even their new pumpkin macchiatos, which were released on September 28th. Guests will also be able to get discounted coffee products both online and in stores Dunkin’ Donuts’ 16-ounce packaged coffees which are only selling for $5.99 (limit of two per guest). In stores, guests can purchase the Dunkin’ Donuts K-Cup packs for an especially low price of $7.99 for a 14-count box (limit of two per guest).


Keep the conversation going, comment below, where do you like to buy your coffee? What is the best coffee you ever had and why? What is your usual coffee order? (Be sure to include brand, roast, etc., if you like). Or simply share your first experience of drinking coffee.













The Broke College Student

the mid-section of a man holding out his empty jeans pockets

Many college students complain about money. Well, their lack of money to be exact. A job is what students desperately want, but have a hard time finding.

But did you know CUNY offers numerous job opportunities? Listed below are some that are being offered for those interested.

The CUNY 311 Project is a collaboration between the NYC Department of Information Technology and Telecommunication, and the City University of New York. It provides qualified CUNY students with the opportunity to work as part time Call Center Representatives, within New York City’s Customer Service Center, for $10.98 an hour. 311 provides New Yorkers with one easy to remember number to access all City agencies and services. Workers will be required to answer incoming calls in a professional and courteous manner. They must also be available 18 hours per week for three 6 hour shifts, maintain a 2.5 GPA, and be at least a second year freshman.

The Poll-Worker Initiative recruits and trains hundreds of students to serve as poll workers with the Board of Elections. They are looking for students who can work as Inspectors or Interpreters on Election Day. After a four hour training session for potential workers, a compensation of $200.00 per day for working in the primary election and the general election is awarded.

CUNY Service Corps is another excellent opportunity.  Service placements last 24 weeks, for over two semesters, and you are placed in positions of your interest. Participants work 12 hours per week, are paid $12 an hour, and in some instances earn college credit.

Any of these opportunities pique your interest? Then head on over to the Cuny website and learn more about them, and apply.

Rush Hour Commute

Probably everyone who drive or have to commute by car to their destination, knows the burden of commuting during rush hours in New York City.

Commuting either early in the morning or late in the afternoon, is not always an easy task. Being stock in NYC traffic is one of the craziest experience a New Yorkers can have . New Yorkers are known to be rude so imagine how unpleasent it gets when another driver is honking or even worst cursing at you for whatever reasons. It really can get very heated during rush hour traffic especially when you are late and not in your best mood. But nonetheless it is one of things New Yorkers have to live with it in a daily basis.

cars in the streetManhattan – New York


cars on a bridgeBrooklyn Bridge – New York


cars on a riverside highwayManhattan – New York


cars on a bridge at nightBrooklyn Bridge – Brooklyn

Anything You Want OR Need … for FREE!!

What is something you want to do or have? Did you know you can get it free, especially when you are motivated and put in the research for it. For example, Have you ever walked into a food court of the mall and was offered cinnabon’s sugar donuts, or asian cuisine on a stick? Not only can you get free food but you can request samples from those mall restaurants. At the end of your “food court smorgasbord” you may have a fulfilling snack. Well, that is similar to just about anything you can think of.

colored letters that spell "FREE"

Here’s How:

  1. Events & Activities: You can get free tickets to movies, preescreenings, fashion shows, fundraisers, community events, and celebrities events on sites like EventBrite. And of course many events have goodie bags of freebies. Try looking in Timeout NYC, searching for free concerts in the parks and beaches, download “local” themed apps on your phone, visit Meetup.com hobbies and networking events. Get on tv by searching casting companies like OnSetProductions.
  2. Knowledge Training / Experience: Ask those you know for advice. You can ask companies to volunteer or go on VolunteerMatch. Of course Youtube helps, but there are also sites that allow you to bartering services. Look in the news papers where most jobs offer free training on the condition that you work with them for a time period. I love the DIYnetwork and places, like HomeDepot, that offer free classes.
  3. Food / Clothes: Besides growing a garden and sewing your own clothes, there are organizations and churches that provide free food and clothing. You can even inquire on 311 (for those in NY) for help or on your governments’ website
  4. Shelter Companies like Habitat for Humanity help you own a home as long as you volunteer some labor, but there are other non profits and private funded organizations that provide shelters, rooms, help with mortgage, rent assistance, and utilities (i.e.: heap. There are even grants for new home owners are being energy efficient.
  5. Money Who doesn’t love free money! Apply for government grants, signup with crowdfunding websites, ask those you know, and/or apply for scholarships.
  6. Childcare – Most schools are free, even some pre kindergarten are with programs like Head Start. Some schools and jobs have daycares, just ask. If not contact you local government assistance providers.
  7. Insurance: Contact non-profits, private organization or your government website.
  8. Entertainment Services: There are companies like Vive Entertainment Enterprises LLC or non profits like BRIC Arts Media. You can also find people by looking up hashtags, posting and messaging on sites like Model Mayhem, craigslist, Instagram, and Facebook.
  9. Business Help: Organizations like SBDC at New York City College of Technology, Small Business Association, NYC Business Solutions, NELP (lawyers), and government websites will help small business and entrepreneurs. Go on sites like idealist.org or businessmentor.org to find volunteers and help. The best thing to do is network.
  10. Freebies & Goodies For cosmetics, accessories, cleaning products, and the random, there are nonprofits or organizations that are the middle man like Freecycle. Some places provide free toiletries, others sites give away based on their sponsors.  Hey you might get free stuff for being a loyal customer, like a sephora. where you can also get free samples of cosmetics when ever you want and bigger samples with purchases. There are even sites like Beautystat, and you tubers who have contest and giveaways for their subscribers.

If your need or want isn’t listed here, some of the same sites may still help you. If not, googling the service you need and adding the word free at the end, by putting up post on social media and inquiring with those you know.

Now that you know how to find free necessities and wants, try it for yourself. Get your freebies and tell me all about it.

DISCLAIMER: I am not being paid to share this data or information. Everything is my opinion and I do not take responsibility for what you may encounter during your search.

QUESTIONS TO THE READERS: How do you get freebies? | Have you tried any of the methods? Did it work? | Has anyone got a free iPad or electronic by participating in offers? | Was this information helpful?

My Top 10 Favorite Foods

Every foodie has their favorite places to eat and foods to eat. I’ve already covered where I like to eat in this blog post. Now, I would like to share with you my 10 favorite foods that I love to eat the most. Enjoy!

eggs Benedict with fries and salad1. I’ve never thought I would be a fan of Eggs Benedict until a few years ago. Some people don’t like runny yolks, but I actually like it and don’t mind. Eggs Benedict is my choice of brunch when I am out for brunch with my friends or boyfriend. I think Eggs Benedict are the best when the Hollandaise sauce has a lemony taste to it and they are runny.

a dish of dumplings

2. Dumplings are probably one of my favorite foods growing up and not because it’s a popular Asian food, but sometimes it’s just more pleasant to eat than your regular rice and noodles. I especially love the pan-fried dumplings my boyfriend and I make, fold, and cook together. I like my dumplings both pan-fried and boiled and I also like they come in different flavors.

a dish of food

3. One of my favorite dishes that my mom makes best is braised pig feet with bean curd stick with mung bean sauce. This particular dish is made mostly on Chinese holidays and I always look forward to eating it because it is really delicious and has a bit of sweetness to it from the mung bean sauce.

fried calamari with dipping sauces

4. I’ve always had a thing for fried calamari ever since I was high school. However, good fried calamari is hard to come by at times. I’ve tried a lot of fried calamari and they always seem to be bland, tasteless, and overcooked. Good fried calamari should be hot, crunchy, and cooked just right.

a dish of noodles

5. Pad Thai is not only one of the more popular Thai dishes, but it is one of my favorite Thai dishes that I enjoy very much. I like that you can add any protein you want in it and/or have a vegetable one if you like. I like it not too sweet and with a little tanginess to it.

a scoop of ice cream

6. Ice cream is one my weaknesses, but also my favorite dessert. I sure have had a lot of ice cream this summer and so far my favorite flavors are: pumpkin, French vanilla, earl grey, almond, and cookies n’ creme.

cooked food

7. I think it’s pretty apparent that I love ramen. I mostly eat it hot because it’s just a nice comforting food to have especially on chilly days like tonight or in the Winter. I really enjoy the different types of broth and style of noodles that are available. I haven’t had ramen in a few months, so I definitely need to have a bowl soon!


8. Another one of my favorite desserts is anything that incorporates with fruits and grass jelly. Grass jelly is a jelly-like dessert found in China. The jelly can be cut into cubes or other forms and then mixed with syrup to produce a drink and dessert and it is thought to have cooling properties especially during hot weather.

a food dish

9. Rice cakes with preserved mustard and shredded pork is a popular Shanghainese dish and also one of my favorite dishes to order at a Shanghainese restaurant. The rice cakes are a little chewy and gummy texture and the preserved mustard is usually served fresh and has a crunchy texture to it. It’s quite a savory dish!

a food dish

10. Last, but not least one of my favorite Chinese dishes is clams with black bean sauce. I love eating Italian style clams too, but I enjoy eating clams with black bean sauce a lot more and it’s quite tasty too.

What are you favorite foods to eat?