The Hooli Wedding

A lot of people fantasize on having a fairytalelike, fantastic and unique wedding. However, actually having it is one of the best moments someone can experience in life. Perfection is subjective of course, and many may argue that it is not attainable, however Tirzah walking down the aisle being accompanied by Spiderman (NYCFC_Spiderman) and Patrick being in a crowd full of cheering NYCFC fans, was perfect in their eyes. Everyone in the crowd made the couple feel special and they absolutely loved it. The fans’ hands held high up in the sky, were chanting their names and jumping in joy with the newlyweds. They were also celebrating in the most beautiful, colorful and expressive ways with smoke bombs, balloons, banners and scarves held up high to show their love and passion for NYCFC

If you were not there to see this beautiful ceremony unfolding and be part of that lovely and great atmosphere, you definitely missed a unique experience, but don’t worry you can always releive the moment here but being there in person was a whole other experience.

a bride and groom in a crowd

men in a crowd

Apparently, if you and your spouse are die-hard and passionate New York City Football Club fans, having a NYCFC theme wedding is the perfect way to celebrate your special day. And rightly so, that was the dream wedding that Tirzah and Patrick Rivera made a reality on  a beautiful day of March 13th, 2016 at The Bronx under the 4 train tracks next to the Yankee Stadium. They specifically chose that particular day and location to celebrate their union, due to the fact it was NYCFC’s 2016 season home opener.


men in a crowd

the bride and groom holding up T-shirts and laughing

bride and groom on a crowded sidewalk

At the beginning when Tirzah and Patrick announced that they wanted to have a NYCFC hooligan theme wedding, they knew they were going to have the time of their lives , but they definitely were not expecting it to be so thrilling. It will take something 10 times as marvelous to even attempt to top this glorious weeding.

Your wedding day is for you to shine and to celebrate love with your significant other. It is the perfect opportunity to say “I do”, and to passionately kiss your lover while having tears sliding down your eyes. Thus, what is better than celebrating your special day with people that you love and in a way that make you and your lover the most happy? It did not matter if the people attending were family,  or even strangers, they all celebrated together for Tirzah and Patrick as one big family and made them feel special and have a hell of a wedding.

a bride with her bouquet in a crowd

men in a crowd

bride and groom kissing

One thing for sure, if you live in New York City or you are an NYCFC fan into carnavalesque, festive and public celebrations, NYCFC supporters are an interesting group of people to invite to your events such as weddings, parties, birthdays etc. NYCFC supporters are passionate, lively, and an expressive group of people.

The reason for that is simply because NYCFC fans and football/soccer fans in general are one of, if not the most  prideful people about their team and city.When they get together as one to showcase this pride, it is a very powerful phenomena to see or experience. Thus, when Tirzah and Patrick experienced the grandeur of NYCFC fans, they wish they could do it over and over again.

bride and groom in a crowd

a crowd with blue smoke

NYCFC fans from all walk of life gathered to celebrate with the couple in order to make their wedding everything that they wanted it to be. But how amazed were Tirzah and Patrick when they realized that the wedding ceremony amazingly exceeded their expectations! It was the kind of scenes you usually see in movies, however this was reality and that day, reality was more than extraordinary! It was the first NYCFC’s fans wedding and one the most stunning and beautiful that I have ever attended.

Everything was wonderful as people were celebrating with the couple, but being officially married was all Tirzah and Patrick were waiting for. Thus when the moment finally arrived for the ceremony to take a more romantic tone, that’s when the couple started to be really excited and emotional. Tirzah was not feeling anything other then extreme happiness and likewise for Patrick who eagerly wanted to take her in his arms and to kiss her. So when their great friend who was their wedding officiant  said “By the power vested in me by the state of New York, I know pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.” Patrick jumped and did not hesitate to make the moment he was waiting for the most count.

bride and groom

bride and groom kissing

bride and groom walking away

The couple could not wait to tie the knot and for those two lovebirds, sharing their special day with NYCFC was the ideal way to truly feel happy. And indeed what a beautiful wedding it was. Everyone was in good spirit and celebrating with the lovers and  NYCFC friends to make their wedding a success and once a life time experience for them.

Congratulations to Patrick Rivera and Tirzah Rivera for this astounding showcase of love and passion for themselves and New York City Football Club.

The Cake Phenomenon

in-depth look at a specialty cake with a glaze

Image by: Đśiuda

There is a new revolution in the confectionary world that is taking dessert lovers by storm as it evokes a true sense of talent to not only have the patience to create but to correctly assemble it.  The sudden fame of the mirror cake has come to amaze all that have gotten the pleasure of viewing the beautiful and shiny masterpieces. The easy to make glaze has become a great way to show off the simplicity of a cake in the most chic way. The cake is prepared first and is usually a mousse cake, which benefits the refrigeration process to allow the glaze to set properly, which can range from two hours to overnight.

The glaze that is delicately poured on the cake is so flawless that it captivates all that see the magnificent creations. The secret to the mirror cakes’ perfect appearance is the utilization of gelatin and glucose that is carefully added to the glaze to help it harden correctly while keeping its smooth, glistening, and precision which appeals to everyone.

Although, the mirror glaze has been used for a countless amount of years, it has been gaining some notoriety recently due to Olga Noskova; a Russian baker who has somewhat changed the way the mirror glaze is used. Usually, the glaze is used just to top the cake for a shiny yet appealing look but her cakes are completely encased in the glaze and lightly topped with a small garnish. It transforms even the simplest of cakes into truly beautiful creations by way of how the baker utilizes every aspect of the cake. As an amazing pastry artist, Olga Noskova, has added another element to the production of mirror cakes by making marble mirror cakes, which have an array of colors that precisely merge into each other in order to create an even more beautiful cake.

Jacques Torres’s Shiny Chocolate Glaze


1/2 cup plus 1 tablespoon water

1 cup plus 2 tablespoons sugar

1/2 cup heavy cream

4 tablespoons cocoa powder

1 envelope gelatin powder (1/4 ounce)


In a saucepan, combine 1/2 cup water, sugar, heavy cream and cocoa powder. Simmer for about 20 minutes until mixture slightly thickens.

Place 1 tablespoon cold water in a small bowl. Sprinkle gelatin over top and let soften 5 minutes. Remove chocolate mixture from the heat and whisk in gelatin mixture until thoroughly combined.

Set over an ice bath and whisk until the glaze thickens and reaches about 80 degrees, about 1 minute.

Notes: This recipe makes enough glaze for one 8″ two-layer cake. Pour over chilled crumb-coated cake placed on a wire rack set over a large bowl. Use an offset spatula to smooth out the glaze. Work quickly as the glaze will set up in a minute or less.

Adapted from Martha Stewart

Comment below about what you think of the mirror cake and its revolution? What your favorite cake is? And what you would want to celebrate with that cake?

Favorite Spot


I’ve discovered this place long before I started taking my photography serious. I remember when my sister moved up here and I was excited to show her around the place. The Promenade immediately became our favorite spot and also one of my favorite places to take pictures. The view of lower Manhattan is breath taking.


a city skyline at night



a city skyline on the water at night




a lit pier at night



a city skyline on the water at night



a walkway



a city skyline at night, behind a sculpture





a pier at night in front of a city skyline



I’m possible

a woman's hand holding a card that says "NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE; THE WORD ITSELF SAYS 'I'M POSSIBLE''

“I heard this quote at my graduation ceremony when I received my Associate’s Degree. The road that led me to that moment and to finally achieving a college degree was not an easy one. I had big plans for myself when I graduated high school but they got derailed when I became a mother at 18. I was suddenly in charge of another life and so much responsibilities that I didn’t know which to take care of first. I had a college advisor tell me that coming to college was a waste of time, that I’d never graduate as a single mother. Those words stuck to me, even today sometimes. I felt overwhelmed, hopeless, like I’d never get my degree or meet the goals I set for myself but when I went back to school in 2013 I found a community of mentors and people who believed in my success and two years later I had my degree. Now I look forward to getting my Bachelor’s here at City Tech and further silencing those people who said I couldn’t do it. Anything is possible and nobody has the right to tell you that you can’t. You are possible.”


Bibble & Sip

It’s not everyday that I would trek to Hell’s Kitchen/Theater District in the city for food, but If I don’t do it when I can, then I probably won’t do it ever again. During spring break, I met with my dear friend Diane to have lunch in the area and I wanted to try Bibble & Sip as well.

a bakery called "bibble and sip"

Image Credit to Sideways.NYC

The cafe is located in Midtown West and is known for it’s friendly atmosphere, unique pastries, and adorable alpaca themed decor. There’s a limited amount of seating here, but there’s a small counter where you can munch on your food and sip on your beverage. The staff at Bibble & Sip are quick, on point, and friendly. Their personality and level of professionalism matches this interesting cafe.

I read a lot of reviews on Yelp to see what were the menu items that stood out and were the most popular so I would know what to try at Bibble & Sip, so I made a list.

an iced tea and a pastry

Many reviews suggested that the lavender latte was absolutely delicious, so I decided to give it a try and I got the Iced Lavender Latte instead. The iced lavender latte was coffee meets lavender in a cup! The lavender wasn’t overpowering so I was still able to taste the coffee flavor. Everything was in equal parts in this lavender heaven latte! It stole my heart.

I also ordered the Earl Grey Cream Puff which was huge and  true earl grey heaven! I’ve never had an earl grey dessert as good as this. The cream puff was flaky, soft, and absolutely delectable.

a pastry with dipping sauce

The earl grey cream filling was pure heaven! It was sweet and full of earl grey deliciousness! I took my time to eat it to make sure I was able to enjoy every bite. I wished I had a whole tub of the earl grey because it was just that amazing! I was in love.


My friend had the Black Sesame Hazelnut Crunch Mousse cake which she thought was amazing especially with the different combination of flavors and textures. She actually didn’t finish it because our lunch was quite filling, so she saved it to indulge on later that day.

I am very glad  to have tried Bibble & Sip and even though I was a little disappointed in the size of this place with limited seating or standing room, I would definitely come back. I would like to try their matcha cream puff and other beverages. For those of you who haven’t been here, you definitely need to visit Bibble & Sip especially if you like unique and adorable baked offerings.

What dessert or cafe spots do you like to visit? What food and beverages would you recommend?


Virtues from Motherhood: Cookie cutter moms don’t exist

In the age of social media and popular opinion, it’s easy for anyone from any corner of the world to have something to say. The categories of controversy are endless, and amid them is the subject of parenting and what a “proper parent” should look like. While celebrities are often the target of these online feuds and keyboard wars the “popular opinion” tends to trickle down into the most average newsfeeds. So I thought to myself, firstly who makes these pointless cookie cutter visions of a mother and secondly why is it anyone’s business what I look like or indulge in so long as my child is healthy, fed and well cared for? I see such outdated ideals on what women in general should look like or how we should speak and quite frankly, hilarity aside, it’s appalling. In 2016, there should be no right or wrong way to be a mother especially in terms of appearance.

I was eighteen when my daughter was born so I was told that “I looked too young to be a mother” or “I can’t be a day over 16” or my personal favorite “Babies having babies”. That statement made my blood boil to no end, how dare anyone gage my ability to be a mother solely on my age or by the actions of other young women? Though I may have gotten off to a rocky start to adulthood there was never a time Ava went without, suffered or was harmed, she was always my number one priority and still is. I worked 14 hours shifts at a hostess job when I was 19 to make sure I could give Ava the best of everything, I worked a retail job I despised just to ensure I could throw her the best birthday parties. I did all these things as a teenager, as a young 20 something, as a mom with tattoos, as a mom who likes rap and hip hop and as a mom who wasn’t really concerned with what motherhood should “look like”.

I’ve seen some ridiculous articles about how children of parents with tattoos are more likely to be abused or more likely to live in poverty. Things like that make me chuckle because there’s zero validity to it, none, nada. On the other hand though there is a statistic that estimates teen mothers have less than a 30% chance of getting a college degree before she turns 30. That statistic has been proven and the fact that it has is saddening. While motherhood is no easy feat in itself, it’s not impossible to obtain a degree, teen moms just need more support in order to accomplish it. Instead of condemning these young women for not having kids at that “ideal age”, lets support their dreams and provide hand ups instead of just handouts.

Mother is not a “one size fits all” or cookie cutter persona. We do not all fit under one umbrella, and we never will. Like snowflakes like fingerprints we are all unique, diverse and wonderful. I got my first tattoo two months after Ava was born, I got my most recent last week because tattoo art is something I’m drawn to, it intrigues me, I like it. Last year I got a half sleeve piece dedicated to my grandmother and to Ava, it’s my biggest tattoo to date. At first I hesitated at the idea of getting it because I feared people’s opinion but after expressing my concerns to someone close to me he said “Sam you’re the same great mom with or without it and if you love it get it, all it changes is the outside not the inside”. I love my tattoos, Ava loves them too and she’s always so excited to tell people the tattoo on my wrist, of her name, is in her handwriting. Ava doesn’t remember me without tattoos and she doesn’t think anything of their presence, she has no bias. At the end of the day I am still her mother, her provider and her protector. The same goes for other moms, moms who are tattooed head to toe, without a single tattoo, covered in piercings or rocking some awesome hairstyle, we are all mothers! Not one stitch of our appearance can change how we love our kids and that is something people need to realize.

NYCFC Supporters

In football/soccer the supporters are the best thing that teams are the most grateful for. The teams and players know nothing is more powerful, motivating and a morale booster than having passionate supporters singing, chanting and cheering for them during the all 90 minutes of the game. Thus by no means do football/soccer teams take their supporters for granted.

Teams have many loyal fans that love them unconditionally. As a result, players make playing and winning not only about a paycheck and a personal satisfaction,  but instead it becomes a collective effort to play with their hearts, to give it all they got, and playing well in order to show to the fans that they truly appreciate their support. Players would not only show the same love and passion to the fans, they will also fight for them as best as they can on the field to win in a convincing manner. However one thing that is truly remarkable about football/soccer fans, no matter how bad their team is doing, they will be there every single games encouraging and cheering on the team at their lowest in order to bring back to better days. Thus you could not imagine the joy that supporters get when their team respond back and are showing that same love back to their fans by winning but most importantly giving all their best out there on the field.

Therefore, the only way to really witness or be part of this phenomenon, is to experience it for yourself. Luckily you won’t have to go too far to see or experience this, there is New York City Football Club (NYCFC) right here in New York that play at Yankee Stadium where supporters at the supporters sections, get really passionate about their team and show that passion at every game.

people in a crowdPhoto taken at Yankee Stadium


a crowd with a topless manPhoto taken at Yankee Stadium


a blue Yankees flagPhoto taken at Yankee Stadium


a green playing field with a stadium crowdPhoto taken at Yankee Stadium

Can Theft be Justified?

a homeless man in a subway station

Image by: Rui Duarte

Unfortunately, due to the recession and the constant financial woes that Americans as well as other nations face around the globe, hunger and poverty has risen as food has slowly become less affordable as a result of agricultural difficulties. While many stores are selling processed foods at lower prices, it can still be difficult for anyone to have enough money for food and this has led to an increasing number of homeless Americans. Increased homelessness has created a greater need for food banks in order to offer more options for the underprivileged to still be able to eat nourishing meals. With the alarming rate of food scarcity that many are faced with, it leaves little choice but for them to steal food in order to be able to avoid complete starvation for the functionality of their lives.

The Italian government has ruled that theft conviction in terms of food theft will not be considered a crime as long as the person who stole the food is in dire need of it. The food stolen must only be a small amount that is needed for immediate essential nutrients, acting only in a state of necessity. The court of cassation believes that as Italy tries to remain a civilized country, it will do everything possible to avoid the starvation that the underprivileged endure on the daily basis. One man was recently sentenced to six months in confinement and fined 100 euros for stealing the amount of food costing less than five euros. This is seemingly an injustice in terms of the punishment that he received for the small petty crime that was committed.

This begs the moral question, “is stealing always wrong?”, usually theft is matched with some sort of punishment but what if the reasoning behind the actual theft was one of pure economic hardship and desperation? I find this governmental change to be extremely interesting and I wonder if it could possibly work in America to better help homeless people by allowing them access to food without the worry of jail or not having financial stability to afford such food items. Yet, with the gluttony that has been publicly used to describe Americans, it can be worrisome that Americans may choose to take advantage of this opportunity in which they will begin stealing more than what they need at that time in order to selfishly help themselves. It may also lead to a higher crime rate of stealing and may negatively affect businesses as their profit lowers. Although, this is a nice gesture, it can easily be abused. In order for it to work, there should probably be a price limit of how much can be taken at once or some proof of hardship.

Controlling Our Digital Presence and Identity


Cohen, J., & Kenny, T. (n.d.). Producing new and digital media: Your guide to savvy use of the Web.


Lately, I have been thinking about my personal brand and how important it is. It was very easy for me to review all my social media accounts and determine what my digital presence and identity is. The fact is, I only have a few: Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Although Facebook is my most prominent one, I do have a small digital presence on Twitter and Instagram. I would say what I don’t post on Facebook tells more about me than what I do post. By that, I mean that I rarely post.  So for me, it’s more about creating a digital identity that I would want to be known for.

But the fact, it is easy to forget that what we post online can remain online even if we delete it and this can potentially hurt our career and relationships. Anything we choose to upload, tweet, reblog, favorite, “like”, can be endless and very hard to erase. Whether our information is shared intentionally or unintentionally, our digital footprint is being gathered by various companies and employers and often used to obtain personal information about us. According to Cohen and Kenny “from the moment you turned on your first computer and double-clicked on the icon for the web browser of your choice, you have created an abundance of personal information, available through search engines such as Google or Yahoo!” (207). That is why it is far better to be in control of our digital identity than to allow something to take control. But whether we are branding, as in my case, or re-branding, it is important to be aware of the information that is out there about us. Even if we didn’t post the information, it may be attached to someone else’s post.

But how do we control our digital identity? Understanding the significance of our digital footprint is an important step in protecting our online identity. Cohen and Kenny (pp. 205-206) ask readers to consider what their online identity is and then take charge of it. To answer this question takes some thought, not because it is a hard question but because it is an important one and starts with knowing what we do everyday that is recorded. That doesn’t mean that we should be afraid to go online and visit sites. The best thing to do is not to stay offline but to be conscious of what we post.

The best way to control our digital identity is by deciding what communities we want to be a part of and what content we want to post. We should also decide what social media profiles we want to use such as LinkedIn and Facebook. Also important is to use positive aspects to help create our personal branding for example, a personal blog can highlight our strengths and personality. Finally, we should realize that controlling our digital presence and identity is long-term challenge that requires dedication and persistence.

Festival Of Colors


It was that time again for a feeling of euphoria. The Holi Festival, one of many was held last Saturday at the NYC Bhangra. Every year around the spring season there are at least  two Holi festivals in New York City. Holi is an Indian festival which is usually known as the festival of colors or the festival of sharing love.

The dry colors are washable so you don’t have to worry about your clothes being discolored

Man in sunglasses, covered in colored paint



Man covered in colored paint



a young woman covered in orange paint


people covered in paint


people covered in paint



a boy holding a dog, both covered in splashes of paint


Four young women covered in paint splashes


a young girl covered in paint


plastic cups on the ground


man covered in paint


Man with long hair, covered in paint


hands getting painted with henna


clouds of color over a crowd


people in a crowd of colored smoke


two young women taking a selfie in a crowd covered in paint


a young man covered in paint, smiling
